Respiratory syndrome declines in the interior, but grows again in the Capital – Cities

Respiratory syndrome declines in the interior, but grows again in the Capital – Cities
Respiratory syndrome declines in the interior, but grows again in the Capital – Cities

Fiocruz bulletin points to a drop in infections in the group over 50 years of age

Couple uses different facial protection masks when traveling in the central region of Campo Grande. (Photo: Archive/Marcos Maluf)

The InfoGripe bulletin, a survey by Fiocruz (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz), shows Campo Grande as one of the 23 capitals that showed signs of growth in confirmed cases of respiratory syndromes. The update, considered critical, was released on Thursday (28).

However, the survey also indicates a downward trend in the population from 50 years of age onwards, due to the decrease in Covid-19 cases in the interior regions of the Central-West and Southeast, and also a reduction in cases in the South region.

In the national aggregate, there is a sign of growth in both the long-term trend (last six weeks) and the short-term trend (last three weeks). In the last eight weeks, the incidence and mortality of respiratory syndromes has maintained the typical pattern of greatest impact among young children and the elderly.

In total, 23 capitals in the country show an increase in SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) cases. They are: Aracaju (SE), Belém (PA), pilot plan and surroundings of Brasília (DF), Campo Grande (MS), Curitiba (PR), Florianópolis (SC), Fortaleza (CE), Goiânia (GO), João Pessoa (PB), Macapá (AP), Maceió (AL), Manaus (AM), Natal (RN), Palmas (TO), Porto Alegre (RS), Porto Velho (RO), Recife (PE), Rio Branco ( AC), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Salvador (BA), São Luís (MA), Teresina (PI) and Vitória (ES).

Regarding cases in 2024, regardless of the presence of fever, 789 deaths have already been recorded, 458 (58.0%) with a positive laboratory result for a respiratory virus, 273 (34.6%) negative, and at least 30 (3 .8%) awaiting laboratory results. Among the positives this year, there is influenza A (3.9%), influenza B (0.4%), RSV (1.1%) and covid-19 (91.7%).

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Respiratory syndrome declines interior grows Capital Cities



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