Journalist who accused Globo of paying bail for Daniel Alves refutes the group’s official statement

Journalist who accused Globo of paying bail for Daniel Alves refutes the group’s official statement
Journalist who accused Globo of paying bail for Daniel Alves refutes the group’s official statement

April 2, 2024, 7:47 am

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247 – Spanish journalist Marisa Martín Blázquez responded to Globo after accusing Quem magazine of paying Daniel Alves’ bail in exchange for a report with the football player, accused of rape. In an official statement, the group denied any movement linked to the player.

In a response on social media this Monday (1st), Marisa Martín Blázquez says that she did not guarantee the information, but that the payment “could have” happened. “The person who informed me was someone who has credibility and is from the Globo group,” she stated.


“Quem magazine does not deny that it did the report. It says that they do not pay to do the report. It does not say, categorically, that they did not [o pagamento da fiança de Daniel Alves]”.

“Maybe they don’t want it to be known that they may have been the ones who advanced the bail, which would also be returned when the sentence is final”, highlighted Marisa.


“The magazine says that I did not contact them to verify the information, something that is not true and I have evidence to prove it,” added the journalist.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Journalist accused Globo paying bail Daniel Alves refutes groups official statement



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