TJ SC competition: notice comes out with vacancies for medium and higher levels


The TJ SC competition notice includes opportunities for the following specialties:

Middle level:

  • auxiliary judicial technician.

To enter the career, the candidate must have a secondary level of education. The successful candidate will have a 35-hour working week and initial remuneration of R$5,515.07.

Higher level

  • administrative analyst
  • juridical analyst
  • social worker
  • civil engineer
  • electrical engineer
  • bailiff and appraiser.

The positions of legal analyst and court clerk and evaluator require a higher level of training in Law.

The position of administrative analyst requires training in Business Administration, Public Administration, Accounting, Economic Sciences or Law.

Other careers require higher education in the desired area. It is important to highlight that some specialties may require registration with the professional body.

The working hours of those approved in the TJ SC competition in higher-level positions will be 35 hours per week. The initial remuneration will be R$9,493.61.

In addition to the remuneration indicated above, employees of the Court of Justice of Santa Catarina are also entitled to the following benefits:

  • food allowance: R$2,145;
  • daycare allowance: R$896.61;
  • medical and dental assistance: varies according to age, ranging from R$370 to R$630; It is
  • social medical assistance: R$1,072.50.

TJ SC contest registration

Interested parties can register on the Fundação Getulio Vargas portal, organizer of the selection, between the following days. March 27th to April 25th.

The registration fee will be R$90 for all positions in the selection.

It is important to highlight that the fee will be waived for the following candidates:

  • registered in CadÚnico
  • blood donors
  • bone marrow donors
  • breast milk donors
  • for candidates whose monthly income does not exceed two minimum wages
  • for those summoned and appointed by the Electoral Court to participate in the electoral election and jurors who served in the Jury Court.

The period for requesting exemption from the fee amount will be open between 4pm on March 27th until 4pm on April 1st.

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TJ SC competition offers vacancies for secondary and higher education levels

(Photo: Disclosure)

TJ SC competition summary

  • Institute: Court of Justice of Santa Catarina
  • Current situation: notice published
  • Banking: Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV)
  • Positions: various
  • Education: secondary and higher levels
  • Vacancies: reservation registration
  • Remuneration: R$5,515.07 to R$9,493.61
  • Registration: March 27th to April 25th
  • Objective test date: June 9th

+ Find out more and start studying for the exam!

What will the TJ SC competition test be like?

As indicated in the notice, candidates for the TJ SC competition will be evaluated through a single stage, consisting of the objective test.

The test will be administered on the day June 9in the following shifts:

  • morning (9am to 3pm): higher level positions
  • afternoon (3pm to 7pm): auxiliary judicial technician.

The objective test will consist of 80 multiple choice questions. Each question will have five items (A, B, C, D and E) and only one correct answer.

For positions of administrative analyst, social worker, civil engineer and electrical engineerthe TJ SC competition will require knowledge in the following subjects:

  • Portuguese Language (24 questions)
  • Notions and Law (ten questions)
  • Internal Legislation (six questions)
  • Specific Knowledge (40 questions).

Candidates who, cumulatively:

a) the candidate who, cumulatively:

  • get at least 24 (twenty-four) Specific Knowledge questions correct; It is
  • get at least 48 (forty-eight) questions correct from the total Objective Test.

b) In accordance with Resolutions No. 401/2021, No. 512/2023 and No. 516/2023 of the CNJ, in relation to candidates classified as people with disabilities, indigenous people and black people, candidates who achieve a score 20% lower than the minimum score established for approval of candidates in the broad competition, according to item “a” of subitem 10.7.14, namely:

  • get at least 19 (nineteen) Specific Knowledge questions correct; It is
  • get at least 38 (thirty-eight) questions correct from the total Objective Test.

For positions oflegal analyst and bailiffthe competition will require knowledge in the following areas:

  • Portuguese Language (24 questions)
  • Internal Legislation (15 questions)
  • Specific knowledge (40 questions).

According to the notice, the candidate who, cumulatively:

a) the candidate who, cumulatively:

  • get at least 24 (twenty-four) Specific Knowledge questions correct; It is
  • get at least 48 (forty-eight) questions correct from the total Objective Test.

b) In accordance with Resolutions No. 401/2021, No. 512/2023 and No. 516/2023 of the CNJ, in relation to candidates classified as people with disabilities, indigenous people and black people, candidates who achieve a score 20% lower than the minimum score established for approval of candidates in the broad competition, according to item “a” of subitem 10.7.15, namely:

  • get at least 19 (nineteen) Specific Knowledge questions correct; It is
  • get at least 38 (thirty-eight) questions correct from the total Objective Test.

See below the subjects required for the position of judicial technician:

  • Portuguese Language (24 questions)
  • Internal Legislation (15 questions)
  • Specific knowledge (40 questions).

Candidates who, cumulatively:

a) the candidate who, cumulatively:

  • get at least 24 (twenty-four) Specific Knowledge questions correct; It is
  • get at least 48 (forty-eight) questions correct from the total Objective Test.

b) In accordance with Resolutions No. 401/2021, No. 512/2023 and No. 516/2023 of the CNJ, in relation to candidates classified as people with disabilities, indigenous people and black people, candidates who achieve a score 20% lower than the minimum score established for approval of candidates in the broad competition, according to item “a” of subitem 10.7.16, namely:

  • get at least 19 (nineteen) Specific Knowledge questions correct; It is
  • get at least 38 (thirty-eight) questions correct from the total Objective Test.

The TJ SC competition will be valid for one year, counting from the date of approval of the final result, and may be extended for the same period, at the discretion of the body.

How to study using PDF? Check out the tips in the video below:

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: competition notice vacancies medium higher levels



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