RJ created almost 18 thousand CLT jobs, ranking 6th in the MTE’s formal job creation ranking


Polo Saara, in the center of Rio – Photo: PEGN

O Ministry of Labour released data from the CAGED of February. The State of RJ created 17,672 formal jobs.
Highlights include Services, with 13,911 CLT jobs, followed by Construction, with 3,237 and Industry, with 2,687. Commerce had a negative balance of 2,045 and agriculture had 118 jobs closed.

In the MTE ranking of formal job creation, the state of RJ came in 6th place, behind SP (+101,163), MG (+35,980), PR (+33,043), SC (+26,367) and RS (+25,452 ).

We need to have public employment generation policies in place in RJ.

The vast majority of candidates looking for jobs lack qualifications and professional training and the public authorities do nothing. They simply set up job counters as if that were enough, even leaving candidates in the hot sun or even rain, not providing the slightest conditions to assist them.

We must look at all municipalities and not just one, focusing on relatives who will be candidates for councilor. What is happening in RJ is regrettable.

Government officials should pay more attention to the Labor portfolio, which in general is their ugly duckling. What they don’t know and some don’t want to know, that this well-crafted ugly duckling becomes a beautiful swan in management. Just want it and make it happen!!!

Fernando Lobo – journalist, former coordinator of the Employment Observatory of SETRAB and SMTE, former municipal deputy secretary of Labor of São Gonçalo and Itaboraí and CEO of NUTRAB


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