Six tips for living healthily

Six tips for living healthily
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Obviously, there is no miracle recipe for a fitness life, which doesn’t stop you from listening to a specialist for this goal. In this sense, the geriatrician at Hospital Edmundo Vasconcelos, Dr. Priscila Abiko, will share six tips for living healthily.

Living healthily

Photo: Shutterstock / Sport Life

The six tips for living healthily

Physical exercises

“The best activity is the one you can do considering your physical condition and financial resources. Start with a few minutes a day and increase progressively, up to the minimum goal of 150 scheduled minutes per week”, said Dr. Priscila.


This specialist pointed out that a diet rich in fats and carbohydrates and low in proteins, vegetables, fruits and legumes favors obesity, diabetes, inflammatory diseases and increased cardiovascular risk.

“Eat with meat, which offers proteins, vegetables, which are antioxidants and rich in vitamins, salad, fruits and grains. Avoid processed foods, fatty foods and lots of sugar. Don’t forget that bread, pasta, cookies and other carbohydrates are they transform into sugar inside the body, no matter how salty they are”, he highlighted.

Stay active

“An active mind reduces the rate of dementia and is essential for mental and physical health. It is important to stay active whether working, committing to work, commitments and social activities, reading, having tasks, daily goals, playing games and other activities, in addition to social interactions”, he praised.

Psychological side

Treating psychiatric illnesses, such as anxiety and depression, is of fundamental importance for a long life. “Studies show that people with depression have a life expectancy of 10 to 15 years lower than the general population. This is due to the release of stress hormones, an increase in inflammatory factors, not to mention the association of psychiatric illnesses with suicide and drug abuse. substances”, he reinforced.

Quit smoking and alcohol in moderation

“It reduces the occurrence of heart attacks, strokes, lung diseases, oncology, pulmonary emphysema and dementia. As smoking is a disease, seek medical help to receive complete treatment and thus increase the success rate in quitting smoking”, he commented.


“Make periodic consultations with your trusted doctor. Treating illnesses and early diagnosis can provide you not only with a longer life, but also with quality, independence, without limitations to enjoy what brings meaning and happiness”, concluded Priscila Abiko .

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: tips living healthily



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