April Fools: myths and truths about hair health

April Fools: myths and truths about hair health
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IstoÉ Bem-estar editorial team by Luiza Paniagua, intern under supervisioni IstoÉ Bem-estar writing by Luiza Paniagua, intern under supervision – https://bemestar.istoe.com.br/author/luizapaniagua/

01/04/2024 – 12:00

April 1st, April Fools’ Day! This date, celebrated worldwide, marks the 24 hours in which pranks are allowed. But what about the other days of the year? Many lies and myths permeate our lives, especially those related to health and well-being. Today we are going to focus on hair health and, contrary to what is advocated by April Fools, we are going to reveal the truths behind these “pranks”!

What is April 1st?

The origins of April Fools’ Day are uncertain, having similarities to ancient festivals, such as Hilaria, in Ancient Rome, and Holi, in India, both celebrated at the end of March. However, the most popular belief is that the date originated in France, when a part of the population was against the change in the Catholic calendar, promulgated by King Charles 4th in 1564. Refusing to accept that the New Year would begin on the 1st January, and not on Easter, as was done until then, these citizens were called April Fools, the month in which the holiday is usually celebrated.

April Fools’ Day in Brazil

The tradition arrived in Brazil in 1828 when a joke appeared in a printed newspaper in Minas Gerais, called “A Mentira”. The prank involved the publication of the death of Dom Pedro 1° on April 1st, with his death occurring just years later, on September 24th, 1834.

There are other theories about its origins, such as the reference to the arrival of spring, during the equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. The idea is that the change of season, which makes the days neither hot nor cold, would lead to people being mistaken, as they would not be able to tell what temperature it would be that day.

Despite these differences in stories about April Fools’ Day, the central idea remains the same: to make a fool of someone by telling them a lie. It can range from physical pranks to messages and calls with information that is not true. Who has never fallen for a little lie on April 1st?

However, it is not cool to fall for lies at all times of the year, especially when they are related to health. So today, on April Fools’ Day, we’re going to tell you some truths about your hair health, so that you never fall for pranks again!

Let’s look at the myths or truths about hair health

Nutrition is important for hair health

True! Your strands, which are made of proteins, reflect the health of your body, so eating correctly is essential to keep both your hair and your body healthy.

Shampoo and conditioner must be from the same line and brand

Myth. There is no evidence that implies the need to use the same line and brand for hair health, after all, each one is related to a part of your hair. The shampoo will go to your scalp and the conditioner will go to your hair, so there is no interference between them.

Do I need to alternate the shampoo

Myth. Again, there is no evidence to prove the effectiveness of regularly changing shampoos. Of course, there are individual preferences regarding the type of shampoo, so the choice is subjective and must meet the needs of each hair type.

Wrapping your hair in a towel damages your hair

True. When you tie your hair in the towel, you are applying a pulling force to the strands, which causes the strands to break. Furthermore, keeping the scalp moist and in a warm place, as the towel does not reach the scalp, only the strands, can increase the incidence of dandruff.

Do I need to apply heat protectant even without drying my hair?

True. The thermal protector’s function is to protect the strands from heat, both from hair styling equipment, such as straighteners, dryers, curling irons, and from UV rays, protecting them from the Sun. It creates a layer around the strands that prevents dryness and hair breakage, in addition to preventing frizz. Therefore, always apply the thermal protector of your choice after washing your hair and before using any heat source or leaving the house.

Sweat ruins your hair

True. Don’t train with your hair down! That’s a big truth. Sweat and friction lead to hair breakage, and there is no way to avoid sweating during training. Furthermore, training with your hair down can affect your performance of physical exercises. If your physical activity is swimming, you need to be even more careful! The chlorine in swimming pools harms your hair, so always wear a cap and invest in anti-residue and hydrating products.

These were some tips and revelations about hair health, but we have many others! For more tips and care for your hair, check out the IstoÉ Bem-estar podcast with Dr. Aline Rodriguesbiomedical and trichologist, specialist in hair health!

*The content of this article is informative and supervised by a Health Professional.

**This text does not necessarily reflect the opinion of IstoÉ.

Bibliographic references

What is the origin of April Fools’ Day and why is it celebrated on April 1st? | National Geographic (nationalgeographicbrasil.com)
Spagnol Abraham, Leonardo; Mateus Moreira, Andreia; Hanauer de Moura, Larissa; Reis Gavazzoni Dias, Maria Fernanda; Alvim Sant’Anna Addor, Flávia Aesthetic treatments and hair care: a medical view (part 2) Surgical & Cosmetic Dermatology, vol. 1, no. 4, 2009, pp. 178-185 Brazilian Society of Dermatology
Cruz, P., Suzuki, VY, Carvalho Jamil, L. ., Torres Madeiro Leite, JA., Leite de Freitas, LC., Rocha Oliveira, C. ., & Masako Ferreira, L. . (2020). Hair nutrition and health: a review. Advances in Nutritional Sciences, 1(1), 33–40. https://doi.org/10.47693/ans.v1i1.5

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: April Fools myths truths hair health



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