With 9,629 cases of dengue, Comcam has the first death officially confirmed from the disease

With 9,629 cases of dengue, Comcam has the first death officially confirmed from the disease
With 9,629 cases of dengue, Comcam has the first death officially confirmed from the disease

With 9,629 cases of dengue fever, 18,692 notificationsIt is 14,936 probable casesComcam had this week the first death officially confirmed by the State Department of Health (Sesa), as a result of the disease. The victim is a woman, resident of the city of Luisiana. She had no comorbidity. A Sesa did not disclose the patient’s details, such as identity or age.

This was the first death in the region in the cycle, which started in August. The number of new confirmations is 1,507 compared to last week. Campo Mourao It is the city with the highest number of cases: 1,577. Then Peabiru (1,122) and Roncador (1,119).

The cases by city are: Altamira do Paraná (4), Araruna 9958), Barbosa Ferraz (88), Boa Esperança (106), Campina da Lagoa (32), Campo Mourão (1,577), Corumbataí do Sul (12), Engenheiro Beltrão (110), Farol (80), Fênix (12), Goioerê (788), Iretama (870), Janiópolis (238) and Juranda (856).

Anda appear with confirmations: Luiziana (292), Mamborê (154), Moreira Sales (189), Nova Cantu (14), Peabiru (1,122), Quarto Centenário (318), Quinta do Sol (612), Rancho Alegre D’ Oeste (4), Roncador (1,119), Terra Boa (18), and Ubiratã (56).

At the state level, according to Sesa, there are over 22,767 cases and 18 deaths. With this update, Paraná now has 135,961 cases and 77 deaths across the State in this seasonal period (2023/2024). The deaths were people between 25 and 100 years old, nine men and nine women. Nine people did not have comorbidities.

They were registered in different Health Regions: São João (7th RS), Luiziana (11th RS), Mandaguari (15th RS) and Cornélio Procópio (18th RS) registered one death; Cascavel (10th RS), Apucarana (16th RS) and Toledo (20th RS), two deaths per municipality; Londrina (17th RS), four deaths; and in the 8th RS there were four deaths, two in Ampére, one in Cruzeiro do Iguaçu and one in Nova Esperança do Sudoeste.


The new bulletin also confirmed a new case of chikungunya, totaling 92 confirmations of the disease in the State. Of the total cases, 58 are indigenous (when the disease is contracted in the municipality of residence). There are also 380 cases under investigation and 923 notifications. Since the beginning of this period there have been no confirmed cases of Zika virus. 87 notifications were registered.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: cases dengue Comcam death officially confirmed disease



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