After the funeral of his beloved son, Rachid falls back when he discovers what Mariana’s secret is in Renascer: “Father and daughter?”

After the funeral of his beloved son, Rachid falls back when he discovers what Mariana’s secret is in Renascer: “Father and daughter?”
Descriptive text here

After the death of JOSÉ Venâncio (Rodrigo Simas), Rachid (Almir Sater) will be shocked to discover through Morena (Ana Cecília Costa) that Mariana (Theresa Fonseca) intends to leave José Inocêncio (Marcos Palmeira) in MISERY. The scene in question will air SOON on RENASCER.

DURING THIS MEAN TIME, the Lebanese will open his heart and reveal to the KING OF COCOA that he raised the son that Maria Santa’s sister (Duda Santos) was bearing after being expelled from home by VENÂNCIA (Fábio Lago).

Venâncio is uncomfortable with the presence of Buba’s friends, who is sad about the situation. Mariana dreams of João Pedro and José Inocêncio catches them together. She wakes up scared. Eliana and Damião meet secretly on the farm. Piolho, a loan shark to whom José Bento owes money, is after José Inocêncio’s son to collect the debt. Buba is happy and lighter with the company of her friends. Mariana decides not to leave and tells José Inocêncio and Inácia that she will stay. Zé Augusto and Zinha put aside their sorrows and she teaches him about dealing with cocoa. Deocletian laments to José Inocêncio that Egídio bought their cocoa because of the agreement with José Bento. José Inocêncio asks João Pedro about the period in which Mariana stayed at Morena’s house.

READ ALSO: See what the first night of intense love will be like between Mariana and João Pedro in Renascer: “Spit, erection and death”

Brunette in Reborn

Renascer is a novel written by Bruno Luperi based on the work of Benedito Ruy Barbosa. The artistic direction is by Gustavo Fernandez, general direction by Pedro Peregrino and direction by Alexandre Macedo, Walter Carvalho, Ricardo França and Mariana Betti. The production is by Betina Paulon and Bruna Ferreira and the genre direction is by José Luiz Villamarim.



NEXT everything about the chapter of Wednesday, May 1st

