RJ may have the ‘Amigo Pet’ seal for bars and restaurants

Photo by Bruno Cervera: https://www.pexels.com/pt-br/foto/cachorro-com-pelo-curto-castanho-e-branco-deitado-em-um-piso-de-madeira-marrom-128817 /

The Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Alerj) approved, in a second discussion, this Wednesday (24/04), the bill that creates the “Amigo Pet” seal in the State of Rio. The objective of the project is recognize bars and restaurants that allow customers to enter with their pets.

The determination is from Bill 5,313/22, authored by the deputies Rosenverg Reis (MDB), Lucinha (PSD) and Aunt Ju (REP). The measure goes to Governor Cláudio Castro, who has up to 15 working days to sanction or veto it.

The granting of the seal will give the commercial establishment the right to use it to promote its services. The methods for granting this seal will be regulated by the Executive Branch.

Pets are an integral part of the family. We know the countless benefits we have from being able to share this love with these animals, such as reducing stress, combating depression, strengthening family relationships and socialization, among others.”, justified Rosenverg.


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