Suspect of running over former councilor in Bahia presents himself to the police

Suspect of running over former councilor in Bahia presents himself to the police
Suspect of running over former councilor in Bahia presents himself to the police

The man suspected of running over former councilor Noaci Salgado, in Vitória da Conquista, in the southwest of Bahia, presented himself at the police station on Tuesday (2). The suspect appeared in the presence of a lawyer, was interviewed and released. The victim, a 74-year-old man, remains hospitalized in serious condition due to the collision.

Former councilor is hospitalized in serious condition after being run over in Bahia. Photo: Reproduction/Social media

In testimony, the man confirmed that he was riding the motorcycle and that he did not have a driver’s license. Furthermore, the suspect revealed that he uses someone else’s information on a platform and makes trips as a motorcycle taxi in Vitória da Conquista.

Read more:

According to the delegate responsible for the case, the man was released because his preventive detention has not yet been ordered, despite the request having already been made. The motorcycle that the suspect was using during the collision was hidden and, also during his testimony, he revealed where the vehicle was. The vehicle has already been seized

According to police, the suspect had already been identified and searches were carried out at the suspect’s home, who was not at the scene. He had already missed one of the dates set out in a summons sent to the family and, initially, did not appear at the police station.

Remember how the former councilor was run over

The former councilor and current vice-president of the PT municipal directory, Noeci Salgado, remains hospitalized in a serious condition in the city of Vitória da Conquista, in the southwest of Bahia, after being run over on March 21st. The victim is 74 years old and was run over by the motorcyclist, whose name was not revealed. The suspect fled the scene and did not provide assistance to the victim.

Suspect of running over former councilor in Bahia presents himself to the police

Former councilor is hospitalized in serious condition after being run over in Bahia. Photo: Reproduction/TV Sudoeste

The case was recorded by a street security camera. The accident happened on Avenida Otávio Santos, located in the city center. See video:


Former councilor is hospitalized in serious condition after being run over in Bahia Video: Reproduction/Social media

According to the images, Salgado was standing on the sidewalk and looking both ways before crossing the road. He starts to cross and a car slows down. At that moment, a motorcyclist overtakes and hits the elderly man.

Salgado’s daughter, hospital manager Hiana Honorato, said that help arrived quickly at the scene, but the former councilor’s condition is serious. The politician underwent surgery to remove a kidney.

Come to the IBahia community
Come to the IBahia community


The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Suspect running councilor Bahia presents police



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