State project asks for companions at gynecological consultations

State project asks for companions at gynecological consultations
State project asks for companions at gynecological consultations

A bill calls for every woman to be accompanied by a nursing professional during gynecological exams. If approved, the measure will apply to public and private hospitals, clinics and offices.

The objective of the text, which is being processed in the Legislative Assembly, is to protect patients from possible situations of abuse or discomfort. The lawyer specializing in Bioethics, Fernanda Schaefer, from PUC-PR, clarifies that the right is already provided for in a national law.

Furthermore, depending on the exam, the health unit is obliged to have a professional monitor it.

If the patient feels abused or violated in any way, she can contact the institution’s ombudsman, the Regional Council of Medicine or the Civil Police.

This is what the lawyer specializing in Medical and Health Law, Renata Farah, explains.

The lawyer reinforces that, if the patient does not have a companion, she can ask the doctor’s secretary to take the role.

The text comes in the wake of the arrest of two gynecologists from Maringá, in the north of Paraná. Hilton José Pereira Cardim and Felipe Sá are accused of sexually abusing dozens of patients.

Reporting: Larissa Biscaia

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: State project asks companions gynecological consultations



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