Traditionalists harvest marcela on horseback in Sapucaia do Sul; understand the benefits of the plant | Farroupilha Reporter

Traditionalists harvest marcela on horseback in Sapucaia do Sul; understand the benefits of the plant | Farroupilha Reporter
Traditionalists harvest marcela on horseback in Sapucaia do Sul; understand the benefits of the plant | Farroupilha Reporter

1 of 2 Knights Without Borders, a group from Esteio, carries out the Marcela ride in the neighboring city, Sapucaia do Sul — Photo: Personal Archive
Knights Without Borders, a group from Esteio, carries out the marcela cavalcade in the neighboring city, Sapucaia do Sul — Photo: Personal Archive

Two groups of knights united two traditions worshiped in Rio Grande do Sul at the beginning of this Friday (29): horseback riding and marcela harvest on Good Friday.

Even before sunrise, they left the fields of Sapucaia do Sul, in the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre, to collect the medicinal herb, used to combat intestinal and stomach problems. A study carried out at UFRGS attests to the medicinal properties. Read more below.

One of the cavalcades brought together nine members of the pickets Pago Claimants It is The Guapos, both from Sapucaia do Sul. Merchant Jean Marcel Dutra woke up at dawn to take part in the 9 kilometer walk. He says this tradition has been passed down from father to son in the family.

“It’s very important for us to cultivate our tradition, waking up at dawn to participate in this ritual is a blessing from God”, says Jean.

Another ride to collect marcela was carried out by the picket Knights Without Bordersfrom Esteio. Watch the video below.

Fourteen soldiers and pedestrians also covered 15 kilometers in Sapucaia do Sul. A breakfast was offered in the field. Rider Luciara Sales jumped out of bed at 3:15 am to start the journey at 5:15 am.

“We’ve been following this tradition for ten years. It’s a day when no one refuses to wake up early. When we’re at home and have a stomach ache, we immediately turn to some marcela tea”, says the rider.

Traditionalist group harvests marcela on horseback in Sapucaia do Sul

UFRGS study points out benefits of marcela

The medicinal effects of marcela were attested by a study carried out in the state. A Tdoctoral degree, presented at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) by student Karla Suzana Moresco, concludes that the plant extract presents evidence of the following benefits:

  • antioxidant action (protects cells from free radicals, which can cause diseases);
  • antimicrobial action (against intestinal pathogens);
  • hypoglycemic effect (which controls blood sugar levels).

Marcela, whose scientific name is Achyrocline satureioides (Asteraceae), is native to Latin American countries.

2 of 2 Group met to harvest — Photo: Personal archive
Group met to harvest — Photo: Personal archive

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Traditionalists harvest marcela horseback Sapucaia Sul understand benefits plant Farroupilha Reporter



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