Federal government extends Desenrola Brasil until May 20

Federal government extends Desenrola Brasil until May 20
Federal government extends Desenrola Brasil until May 20

For the second time, the government extends Desenrola Brasil, a debt renegotiation program for defaulting individuals. The provisional measure extending the program is published in the Official Gazette of the Union this Thursday (28th).

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Initially, the renegotiations would end in December, but they had been extended until March 31. The increase in demand after the unification of Desenrola with banking applications, Serasa Limpa Nome and Caixa Tem justified the extension. Since the beginning of the month, Desenrola debts can also be renegotiated at Post Office branches. The program also has its own renegotiation platform.

Track 1

The extension only applies to Range 1 of Desenrola, aimed at people with an income of up to two minimum wages or registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico) of the Federal Government and with debts of up to R$20,000. Renegotiations for this category began in October.

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Expanding access

Since the beginning of the year, the government has facilitated Desenrola’s membership. At the end of January, people with a bronze profile on the Gov.br Portal were able to pay their debts in installments. Previously, anyone who had an account at this level, which has less security, could only pay off the amount negotiated in cash. With the change, the proportion of users with bronze level login increased from 19% to 40% of daily negotiations.

The government also started to integrate the Desenrola platform with the service systems of financial institutions and companies such as Serasa and Correios. The integration was possible because of Ordinance 124, from the Ministry of Finance, published on January 29, which authorized partnerships to expand the reach of the program.

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More than 700 companies

More than 700 companies participate in the effort, including banks, finance companies, retailers, telephone operators, water and energy concessionaires and securitization companies. In total, more than 550 million offers are available at MegaFeirão, in addition to discounts of up to 96% from the Desenrola Program.

Since February 15, Desenrola Brasil has also been accessed through the Serasa Limpa Nome website. With the integration between the platforms, users logged in to the Serasa platform can now be redirected to www.desenrola.gov.br, where it is possible to consult debts and make payments under the program conditions, also without the need for another Login.

More than 14 million

According to the most recent figures from the Ministry of Finance, Desenrola Brasil benefited around 14 million people, who renegotiated R$50 billion in debt, in Tracks 1 and 2. Average discounts on the program’s platform are 83%, in some cases reaching 96%, with payment in cash or in installments with no down payment, and with up to 60 months to pay.

In force between July and December last year, Track 2 allowed the renegotiation of debts of any amount with banks and other financial institutions by those earning up to R$20,000. Unlike Track 1, renegotiations were not requested through the Desenrola platform, but through the banks’ service channels.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Federal government extends Desenrola Brasil



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