Victims of the rains in RJ and ES receive NEW BENEFIT worth a minimum of R$600


Residents of cities in Rio de Janeiro do Espírito Santo will receive a new benefit already this week. A value of R$600 must be made available by Caixa Tem. In addition to this, other actions are being carried out to benefit victims of the rains in RJ and ES.

Victims of the rains in RJ and ES receive NEW BENEFIT worth a minimum of R$600 (Image: Jeane de Oliveira/ FDR)

The Federal Government has taken some actions to help families who were victims of the rains. Now, they arrive in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo, where it will be possible to request a new benefit worth a minimum of R$600.

Anticipation of Bolsa Família in RJ and ES

The Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger (MDS) authorized families in both states to receive payment of the Bolsa Família in advance. This means they don’t have to wait until the scheduled date on the calendar.

Check out the cities included in the advance:

  • In Espírito Santo, the municipality of Ibatiba.
  • In Rio de Janeiro, the municipalities of Barra do Piraí, Belford Roxo, Duque de Caxias, Japeri, Mendes, Mesquita, Nova Iguaçu, Queimados and São João do Meriti.

Our expert Laura Alvarenga presents other cities that had advance payments, look.

Distribution of medicines in RJ and ES

  • In addition to the anticipation of Bolsa Família, the government allocated R$1.16 million to purchase medicines that will be distributed in the cities.
  • The municipality of Mimoso do Sul (ES)), one of the hardest hit should also receive a team that will identify the greatest needs to be met.
  • According to the Ministry of Health, 1,500 people will be served during one month
  • They will receive kits with 32 types of medicines and 16 types of supplies (gloves, syringes, bandages, etc.).
  • In addition to Mimoso, the city of Petrópolis, in Rio de Janeirowill also be benefited for the distribution of medicines.

Bolsa Família calendar in April

  • NIS final 1: April 17;
  • NIS final 2: April 18;
  • NIS final 3: April 19;
  • NIS final 4: April 22;
  • NIS final 5: April 23;
  • NIS final 6: April 24;
  • NIS final 7: April 25;
  • NIS final 8: April 26;
  • NIS final 9: April 29;
  • NIS end 0: April 30th.

Find out more about advance payment for April, clicking here.

cbaca80d28.jpgVictims-of-the-rains-in-RJ-and-ES-receivJamille Novaes

Baiana, graduated in Vernacular Literature from UESB, postgraduate in Education Management from Uninassau. Passionate about text production, she has worked as a writing editor, Portuguese language and literature teacher. She is currently dedicated to FDR and her second degree.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Victims rains receive BENEFIT worth minimum R600



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