8 essential tips for those who want to start yoga



If you are new to yoga, this guide can help!

Registered by

Alice Lins

Published on 05/03/2024 at 19:12




It is the fact or event of journalistic interest. It may be new or recent information. It also concerns something new about an already known situation.


Predominantly opinionated text. It expresses the author’s view, but not necessarily the newspaper’s opinion. It can be written by journalists or experts from different areas.


Report that brings to light unknown facts or episodes, with a strong denunciation content. It requires specific techniques and resources.

Content Commerce

Editorial content that offers the reader a shopping environment.


It is the interpretation of the news, taking into account information that goes beyond the facts narrated. It uses data, brings developments and scenario projections, as well as past contexts.


Analytical text that translates the vehicle’s official position in relation to the facts covered.


It is institutional material, which addresses a subject of interest to the company that sponsors the report.

Fact check

Content that verifies the veracity and authenticity of information or fact disclosed.


It is the article that provides subsidies, historical data and relevant information to help understand a fact or news.


Breathtaking reporting, which addresses, in depth, various aspects and developments of a given subject. It brings data, statistics, historical context, as well as stories of characters who are affected or have a direct relationship with the topic covered.


Approach to a specific subject, in which the topic is presented in a question and answer format. Another way to publish the interview is through topics, with the interviewee’s response reproduced in quotation marks.


Text with detailed and opinionated analysis regarding products, services and artistic productions, in the most diverse areas, such as literature, music, cinema and visual arts.


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Practicing yoga offers a fascinating journey towards physical and mental well-being.

Yoga is much more than just a series of physical postures; It is a lifestyle that seeks balance between body, mind and spirit.

By venturing into this universe, you will embark on a journey of self-knowledge and personal growth.

meditation – yoga – energy cleansing – Freepik

If you’re a beginner, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on these tips!

Create a peaceful and comfortable environment:

Find a quiet, distraction-free place. Use a non-slip mat for safety and stability.

Opt for light, comfortable clothing that allows free movement. Maintain the ideal room temperature for concentration and relaxation.

Disconnect and connect:

Silence your cell phone and other electronic devices. Leave everyday worries aside. Tune in to the present moment and your breathing.


Choose relaxing and inspiring music. Try different styles and find what works for you. Avoid music that distracts or agitates the mind.

Adapt to your body and rhythm:

Start with simple sequences and postures. Respect your limits and don’t compare yourself to other practitioners. Progression is natural and happens with time and regular practice.

Positive thinking:

Maintain a positive attitude and focus on progress. Visualize yourself performing the poses successfully. Positive affirmations strengthen confidence and potential.


Each body is unique, with its own rhythm. Focus on your individual journey. Celebrating small achievements is essential for motivation.


Regular practice is essential for learning and progress. Don’t be discouraged by challenges and obstacles. Every day, you achieve something new and get closer to your goals.


During practice, focus on your breathing and body sensations. Choose a fixed point to look at and avoid distractions. Meditation finishes the practice and promotes deep relaxation.

*With information from O Petróleo.

See also: Benefits of exercising in the morning

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: essential tips start yoga



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