Son of Marcinho VP, Oruam has a tattoo of Tim Lopes’ killer

Son of Marcinho VP, Oruam has a tattoo of Tim Lopes’ killer
Son of Marcinho VP, Oruam has a tattoo of Tim Lopes’ killer

Tim Lopes, who worked for TV Globo, was captured by drug traffickers and found charred in a vacant lot in the favela

March 27, 2024, 06:57 am

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247 – After rapper Oruam appeared at Lollapalooza asking for the freedom of his father, Marcinho VP, the main name of Comando Vermelho, the largest faction in Rio de Janeiro, internet users are now circulating photos of the singer’s tattoos. Among them, a tattoo that gained prominence was the one in honor of Elias Pereira da Silva, better known as Elias Maluco, convicted of the murder of journalist Tim Lopes and called “uncle” by the artist.

What was the Tim Lopes case – Journalist Tim Lopes, who worked for TV Globo, was in Rio de Janeiro in 2002, investigating funk dances in the Vila Cruzeiro favela, in the north of Rio, when he was captured by drug traffickers.


He was reporting on drug trafficking and the effects of violence on Rio’s communities. Unfortunately, he was discovered by criminals, tortured and brutally murdered. His body was later found charred in a vacant lot in the favela.

The case caused great commotion in Brazil and around the world, highlighting the dangers faced by journalists who dedicate themselves to investigative reporting in areas dominated by organized crime.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Son Marcinho Oruam tattoo Tim Lopes killer



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