Porchat stops about Sandy in the romantic comedy ‘Evidence of Love’

Porchat stops about Sandy in the romantic comedy ‘Evidence of Love’
Porchat stops about Sandy in the romantic comedy ‘Evidence of Love’

“Evidence of Love” stars Porchat as an app developer whose heart breaks when, after three years, he is abandoned by his girlfriend — played by Sandy. Devastated, his situation worsens because, whenever he hears “Evidências”, Brazil’s unofficial anthem, immortalized in the interpretation of Chitãozinho and Xororó, he is thrown into the past to relive a memory of the relationship — and only memories of tense moments.

Fábio Porchat and Sandy Leah are in ‘Evidence of Love’ Image: Warner

The fact of having Sandy in a fictional universe in which there are Chitãozinho and Xororó and José Augusto — author of the song — makes the project an even more curious experience. “I even put in a joke where I asked your character if she listened to Sandy and Júnior when she was younger”, she laughs. “But we thought it would be a big headache for the public.”

This same audience has gradually returned to the cinema. In the post-pandemic world, in which everyone stayed at home and national production itself became empty, the industry is recovering and rediscovering its audience, which filled cinemas to see films as diverse as ” Nosso Sonho “, ” Nosso Lar 2 ” and “My Sister and Me”. “I think people are tired of watching series at home”, he theorizes. “Cinema is a quicker commitment, which doesn’t tie anyone up for hours.”

It is at this moment that “Evidences of Love” recovers the cute experience of seeing a romantic comedy in the cinema, bringing all the spices that Porchat believes the public can connect with. “Sandy was worried that she wasn’t a comedian, but I said I make the joke, you make the cuteness,” she recalls.

“The most important thing is for us to share this intimacy, the touch, the affection”, he highlights, before concluding. “People need to believe that we want to have sex!”

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Porchat stops Sandy romantic comedy Evidence Love



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