Davi and MC Bin Laden form a double wall; vote

Davi and MC Bin Laden form a double wall; vote
Davi and MC Bin Laden form a double wall; vote

BBB 24: Davi and MC Bin Laden form a double wall; vote

This Tuesday (2), the participants said goodbye to Pitel and took part in a leader test and formation of the wall. Davi and form the first hot spot of the season.

With an open vote in the room, MC Bin Laden was the most voted in the house, along with the five members of the Fadas group.

Check out the dynamics of the leader’s test

In three phases, the brothers and sisters participated in different dynamics. In the first, they chose telephone numbers and those who received the sponsor’s message went to the second stage.

Alane, Lucas Buda, Beatriz, Isabelle, Davi and Matteus got lucky and moved on to the throwing phase. In it, those confined accumulated points by achieving the highest number of points in a hive. The three best scorers followed the dynamics.

With good aim, Buda, Davi and Matteus won their place in the last phase. Based on luck, the brothers followed the order of the phones and chose one of the three seats. The Gnome member chose well and became leader.

At VIP, the brother called Giovanna.

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