Microwaves, rice and damaged batteries: discover the 10 myths about how cell phones work

Microwaves, rice and damaged batteries: discover the 10 myths about how cell phones work
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Smartphones have changed a lot since their popularization with the iPhone, in 2007. As they evolved, their operating systems and internal components, such as battery, memory and processor, became more sophisticated. Today, a simple cell phone can be dozens of times superior and more efficient than the most expensive models of 15 years ago.

This entire transformation of smartphones has resulted in many myths about how they work. Although some may have been true years ago, today, with the advancement of technology, they no longer make sense. See below 10 common myths about how cell phones work.

Tips that worked with your first smartphone may have become a thing of the past with the evolution of technology. Photo: AP Photo/Jeff Chiu

Myth 1: Background apps cause slowdowns and consume battery

It makes sense to think that running multiple applications running in the background makes use of the cell phone’s processing and memory, increasing battery consumption. However, modern cell phones are able to limit the impact of these applications on both the device’s overall performance and energy consumption, putting them in a kind of hibernation state.

In fact, the process of closing apps and reopening them may eventually require more CPU processing power and, consequently, more battery. So, keeping them open and suspended at the bottom ends up being more advantageous than closing them manually.

Furthermore, modern operating systems are smart enough to understand which suspended apps should eventually be closed so as not to overload RAM.

Myth 2: Automatic brightness adjustment saves battery

Modern cell phones have a sensor capable of adjusting the screen brightness intensity according to the external lighting. In other words, if you are already in a bright place, the sensor will reduce the cell phone’s brightness and save battery, right? Wrong.

When activated, the system is constantly monitoring the brightness of the environment in which it is located, collecting data and evaluating whether the brightness level should be higher or lower, and this process constantly demands energy. So if you want to save your cell phone battery, turn off the feature.

Myth 3: Bluetooth and Wi-Fi drain your battery

Unless they are actively in use, transferring files from one device to another or, in the case of a headset, using its speakers or microphone, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi will not consume significant levels of battery. from your cell phone.

Myth 4: Charging your cell phone all night harms the battery

This could be true on older devices, but modern smartphones are now capable of detecting when the battery is fully charged and disabling electricity consumption, without reducing its useful life. Therefore, there is no problem leaving your cell phone plugged in while you sleep.

What you shouldn’t do is keep it under the pillow or between the sheets. In other words, don’t sleep with your phone while it’s charging.

Myth 5: you need to use the battery until it reaches the end for it to be recharged

Exactly the opposite. Lithium ion batteries, which currently equip our cell phones, work better when they are charged during use, keeping them active, unlike Nickel-Metal Hydride and Nickel-Cadmium batteries, used in old devices, which were “addicted” (i.e., they kept track of the level at which the device was charged, and not the total capacity of the component). However, experts suggest completely recharging the battery, from zero to 100%, every three months, to help calibrate the charge level reading.

Myth 6: Rice dries out wet cells

Did the cell phone fall into the water? The method of burying a wet cell phone in a bowl of raw rice, so that the grains absorb the liquid and save the cell phone, is quite widespread, but its effectiveness is not guaranteed. What is known is that the external moisture of the device can even be absorbed by the cereal but, if the water has reached the internal components, it will remain there.

If your cell phone gets wet, without completely sinking into the water, the best thing to do is turn off the device, remove the battery (if possible), the cards (SIM and micro SD, if present), dry it as much as possible with a cloth and keep it dry. it unused for at least 24 hours. If the device has immersed itself in water, the ideal is to take it to a repair service as soon as possible.

Myth 7: cell phones charge quickly in the microwave

A mix of misinformation and internet pranks led many people to believe in the possibility of charging their cell phones using the electromagnetic waves emitted by a simple microwave oven. Obviously, in addition to the combination not resulting in charging, it can be dangerous, due to the risk of fire and explosion of the battery, which can overheat. In other words, under no circumstances should you place your cell phone in a microwave.

Myth 8: magnets ruin your cell phone

Magnetic fields could cause distortions in old devices, such as televisions and cathode ray tube monitors, but they will not damage smartphones, whose screens are made of LCD, plasma, LED or AMOLED. Likewise, a common magnet will not erase data from your device’s memory.

However, depending on the strength of the magnetic field, magnets can interfere with the smartphone’s internal compass, used in location systems such as the Google Maps, Uber and Waze. Therefore, although you will not damage your cell phone if you place it near a magnet, direct contact is also not recommended, as with magnetized cell phone cases.

Myth 9: Your cell phone can demagnetize your credit card

There are those who believe that keeping your cell phone in the same pocket as your wallet could cause the device to demagnetize your credit cards, making them useless pieces of plastic. When it is not being charged, the cell phone is harmless to your credit card. However, during charging, a magnetic field is generated capable of, in the long term, partially demagnetizing your credit card, as well as transport cards and the like. Therefore, avoid leaving your wallet next to your cell phone while it is charging.

Myth 10: Unofficial chargers harm your cell phone

If you lost the charger that came with your device, don’t worry: third-party chargers are completely safe, as long as they follow quality certificates and safety regulations, such as Inmetro, and are compatible with your device. If the charger is of low quality or counterfeit, it can pose risks, in addition to not being recognized by the device.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Microwaves rice damaged batteries discover myths cell phones work



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