TJ-AC competition: test locations for judicial analysts are announced; see how to consult | Acre

TJ-AC competition: test locations for judicial analysts are announced; see how to consult | Acre
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1 of 3 Tests will be administered on Sunday (12) in Rio Branco and Cruzeiro do Sul — Photo: Disclosure
Tests will be administered on Sunday (12) in Rio Branco and Cruzeiro do Sul — Photo: Disclosure

Candidates for the position of judicial analyst in the Acre Court of Justice (TJ-AC) competition can now consult the new test locations. After problems in the application of the public exam, the TJ-AC and the Verbena Institute, the panel organizing the event, had canceled the exam carried out at the end of March.

To the tests will be administered next Sunday (12), in the morningand the locations can be accessed on the Instituto Verbena website.

According to the TJ-AC, more than 1,600 candidates must take the tests in Rio Branco and Cruzeiro do Sul, interior of the state. The list of candidates eligible to take the exam can also be seen on the organizing committee’s website.

On March 26th, TJ-AC announced the new test date for the position of judicial analyst. Firstly, the announced date was April 28th. However, candidates complained due to the coincidence with two other competitions to be held on the same day: Ministry of Planning and Budget (MPO) and State Public Defender’s Office (DPE).

After the announcement, those applying for this position complained on social media. “On the same day as the DPE/AC contest??? Sequence of absurdities! -


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