Bolsonaro governor of SC publishes fake news already denied by ANTT about tragedy in the South

Bolsonaro governor of SC publishes fake news already denied by ANTT about tragedy in the South
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Jorginho Mello stated that supply trucks coming from his state and heading to Rio Grande do Sul were being blocked and fined at road checkpoints

May 8, 2024, 9:13 pm

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247 – The governor of Santa Catarina, Jorginho Mello (PL), tried to spread, this Wednesday (8), fake news that had already been denied about the tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul. In a video published on his social networks, the Bolsonarist stated that supply trucks coming from their state and heading to Rio Grande do Sul were being blocked and fined at road checkpoints.

The Bolsonarist fake news about the trucks, however, has already been denied by the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT). According to ANTT, there has been no retention of cargo vehicles on the access roads to RS since the beginning of the calamity. The agency clarified that trucks that travel on highways that access the state undergo a simplified inspection procedure and are released to continue their journey, without requesting an invoice and without imposing fines on vehicles transporting donations.


In the video shared by Jorginho Mello, he appears next to a Florianópolis Civil Defense employee, reporting alleged fines applied to the vehicle they were in. The governor criticized ANTT’s performance and called for an urgent review of the body’s procedures.

This is not the first time that political authorities linked to Bolsonarism have released false information about the tragedy in the South. Federal deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro (PL-SP), senator Cleitinho Azevedo (Republicanos-MG) and influencer Pablo Marçal were included in a list of “fake news” spreaders sent by Palácio do Planalto to the Ministry of Justice and Public Security.


[Com informações do blog Sonar, do jornal O Globo]

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Tags: Bolsonaro governor publishes fake news denied ANTT tragedy South



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