Man and woman arrested with cocaine on cruise in Bahia are released at custody hearing | Bahia

Man and woman arrested with cocaine on cruise in Bahia are released at custody hearing | Bahia
Man and woman arrested with cocaine on cruise in Bahia are released at custody hearing | Bahia

1 of 2 Two people are arrested on a cruise ship with cocaine in a false bottom of luggage — Photo: PF Disclosure
Two people are arrested on a cruise ship with cocaine in a false bottom of luggage — Photo: PF Disclosure

As reported by TV Santa Cruz, a TV Bahia affiliate in the region, the Federal Police reported that the two were released after the judge considered international treaties.

The suspects’ identities were not confirmed, but the PF confirmed that they boarded in Rio de Janeiro and were destined for the city of Barcelona, ​​in Spain.

The Federal Public Ministry (MPF) must appeal the decision.

Drugs hidden in false luggage bottom

Hidden in the false bottoms of four suitcases, the drug was identified during luggage inspection with a scanner (x-ray) and also with the support of a detection dog.

2 of 2 Two people are arrested on a cruise ship with cocaine in a false bottom of luggage — Photo: PF Disclosure
Two people are arrested on a cruise ship with cocaine in a false bottom of luggage — Photo: PF Disclosure

The action was led by the Integrated Force to Combat Organized Crime (FICCO), made up of the Federal Police, Civil Police, Military Police, Federal Highway Police and the State Secretariat of Public Security of Bahia.

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