PB Reporter – Whoever reads this believes!


A member of the Landless Rural Workers Movement, in Paraíba, is found dead, charred, next to a charred car in the rural area of ​​the municipality of Alhandra, 40 km from João Pessoa.

According to the MST of Paraíba, the body of José Roberto da Rocha, aged 52, was in the bamboo grove at Camp Orlando Bernadino. The crime occurred during the early hours of the morning, but the victim was only located on Sunday morning (24).

José Roberto had lived for 7 years at the Wanderley Caixe Camp, on the border with Pernambuco, and was one of the organizers of the Orlando Bernadino camp. According to Paulo Sérgio, leader of Trabalhadores Sem Terra in the region, there is no information about who committed the crime, which is under investigation by the state police.

According to the responsible delegate Everaldo Medeiros, all lines of investigation into the death of José Roberto da Rocha are still open.

At the end of last year, two members of the Movement, in Paraíba, were also shot dead. They were part of Quilombo do Livramento, Sítio Rancho Dantas, in the municipality of Princesa Isabel, also on the border with Pernambuco. One of the victims was the camp coordinator.

Leader Paulo Sérgio also recalled the deaths of two more MST members in Paraíba, murdered in 2018, also in the municipality of Alhandra, where the crime occurred this weekend. According to investigations, the crime was motivated by a dispute over the area for sand extraction. In this case, from six years ago, the perpetrators were arrested, but the masterminds were not identified.

General São Luís 03/25/2024 – 15:29 Ana Lúcia Caldas / Liliane Farias Gabriel Correa – reporter for Rádio Nacional MST Morte Monday, 25 March 2024 – 15:29 1:57Keep reading …

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Reporter reads believes



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