FMS will open another 1,700 places for Dengue vaccine – Teresina Municipal Health Foundation

FMS will open another 1,700 places for Dengue vaccine – Teresina Municipal Health Foundation
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Source: Ascom FMS

Tomorrow, May 10, at 10 am, the Municipal Health Foundation (FMS) of Teresina opens the fourth appointment for vaccination against dengue, this time making 1,700 places available. From May 6th to 9th, a total of 3,036 places for the first dose of the vaccine have already been opened. Appointments can be made via the website

At this time, the dengue vaccine is being aimed at children and adolescents between 10 and 14 years old, in accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Health. “The FMS is responsible for applying the vaccines, the Ministry of Health defines the target audience. We will open appointments whenever we receive new doses and will provide ample notice”, explains vaccination coordinator, Emanuelle Dias.

The immunization schedule against dengue is two doses, three months apart. “If the person has recently had dengue fever, it is recommended that they wait an interval of six months to start the vaccination schedule”, explains Emanuelle Dias.

At the time of vaccination, it is necessary to present a CPF or SUS card, identification document, vaccination booklet and proof of address in Teresina.

FMS health authorities warn that the best way to prevent dengue fever is to prevent the proliferation of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, eliminating stored water that could become possible breeding sites.

Aedes aegypti is the name of the main species that transmits the dengue virus, the virus that causes chikungunya fever and the Zika virus. This species is characterized by the presence of white markings on the legs and back (in the shape of a lyre).

“It is a domestic mosquito, which lives in or around homes or other places frequented by people, such as commercial establishments, schools or churches, for example. The female has preferably daytime habits and feeds on human blood to mature of their eggs”, says Walfrido Salmito, director of Health Surveillance at FMS.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: FMS open places Dengue vaccine Teresina Municipal Health Foundation



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