Owners arrested, Anvisa order and +: Banning of 2 steakhouses


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Anvisa and steakhouses banned – Photo Reproduction Internet

A Anvisathe body that operates in Health Surveillance throughout the country, once again fulfilled its duty in protecting the population and consumers from health risks, with a ban on 2 beloved steakhouses, which had terrible hygiene conditions.

The information is from the website “jornalopcao.com”, which reported on November 25, 2016, that, at the time, the Health Surveillance closed the Favo de Mel steakhouse, which belongs to the famous country singer Marrone, from the duo Bruno and Marrone .

According to the information, the inspection found poor hygiene conditions at the site, with food and meat unfit for consumption, a dirty environment and even pests.

According to the information, in a report, the organization, which follows Anvisa standards, detailed the situation at the steakhouse, saying:

“There were live cockroaches walking around in the kitchen and on the barbecue, the food was not handled properly and we seized more than 100 kilos of products including expired items, leftovers and remains unsuitable for consumption,” stated the health department.

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As reported, the owners of the steakhouse ran the risk of being arrested due to the risk to the health of consumers, with the place closed and without a statement from the establishment at the time, being currently monitored and operating normally.

According to the source, the Porto Alegre steakhouse, located in Bairro Brasil, in Uberlândia, also had to be closed by Anvisa, after a serious infraction was found.

Furthermore, health surveillance did not communicate what the infraction was, and the place had to be closed until the necessary adjustments were made, without having commented on the case.

Anvisa determines a limit of fragments for each food (Reproduction/Photo: Anvisa/Disclosure)
Anvisa determines a limit of fragments for each food (Reproduction/Photo: Anvisa/Disclosure)
Anvisa (Photo: Reproduction/ Internet)
Anvisa (Photo: Reproduction/ Internet)
Anvisa (Photo: Reproduction/ Internet)
Anvisa (Photo: Reproduction/ Internet)

Which products require approval from the regulatory body in Brazil?

According to information on the website “licempre.com”, registration with Anvisa is mandatory for companies that manufacture and import food, pharmaceutical, related, sanitizing and cosmetic products, and must always be analyzed and passed by specialized expertise.



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