Does drinking water on an empty stomach bring more benefits to our health? | Health

Does drinking water on an empty stomach bring more benefits to our health? | Health
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1 of 2 Drinking water brings benefits to our body at any time — Photo: Shutterstock
Drinking water brings benefits to our body at any time — Photo: Shutterstock

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That water is vital for the functioning of our body everyone knows. About 70% of our body is made of waterwhich acts on circulation, provides nutrients, regulates temperature, and lubricates the eyes and joints.

⏰But Is there a “best” time to drink water?

There are those who say that, after opening our eyes, we should drink a glass of water to “wake up the body and speed up the metabolism”. However, there is no strong evidence to say that there is any difference if we drink water on an empty stomach or throughout the day.

“Drinking water on an empty stomach can be a component of a healthy lifestyle, but It is not a miracle solution to increase metabolism and energy. Other factors, such as diet, level of physical activity and sleep, also play an important role in regulating metabolism and energy”, says Maria Clara Martins, endocrinologist, metabologist and nutritionist.



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