6 answers to questions about the flu vaccine


Flu vaccination is essential for protection against the disease Image: Prostock-studio | Shutterstock

Flu vaccination is a crucial measure for public health, especially in times of increasing circulation of respiratory viruses. This year, immunization against the disease in Brazil began on March 25. Initially, it will cover priority audiences such as children, pregnant women, postpartum women, the elderly, indigenous people, health workers, teachers, homeless people, security forces professionals, people with chronic illnesses, among others.

Despite its importance and inclusion in the vaccination calendar for years, many doubts persist among the population. Therefore, general practitioner Dr. Leandro Schimmelpfeng, from Eco Medical Center, clarifies some questions about the flu vaccine. Check out!

1. Does the flu vaccine have side effects?

Yes, but they do not last more than 48 hours. Symptoms are, in general, fever of 38 °C, pain at the application site, a little muscle pain, malaise, fatigue and loss of appetite. “It does not mean that the person will have Side effects. But some people can have this type of reaction”, explains Dr. Leandro Schimmelpfeng.

two. When not to get the flu vaccine?

If a person is sick, has an infection and has a fever, they should wait until they are cured, because the immune system continues to fight against this infection. “The patient needs to recover first and then seek the flu vaccine”, advises the doctor.

He also points out that anyone who is allergic to eggs, thimerosal (a preservative product in the vaccine) or has Guillain Barré syndrome (polyneuropathy that causes muscle weakness) cannot take the flu vaccine.

The flu vaccine is formulated with the inactivated virus Image: Roman Samborskyi | Shutterstock

3. Can anyone who has recently had COVID-19 get the flu vaccine?

Yes, it is something important, as it is protection against a different virus. But you need to be cured of COVID-19 first and then get the flu vaccine.

4. Can you get other flu vaccines?

Yes. Several vaccines can be taken with the flu. COVID-19 is an example.

5. I took the first dose of the vaccine on the public network. Can I take the other dose on the private network?

The vaccine that the public network administers is trivalent. For the most common viral strains in Brazil, it has sufficient coverage (unless the person is going to perform a trip abroad, for example, where there may be a strain different from those circulating in Brazil). So, it may be interesting to take the private vaccine, which is tetravalent and protects against one more strain than that offered by the SUS.

6. I got the vaccine, but I caught the flu. Is this related to the dose I took?

Despite taking the vaccine against the flu, it is still possible to contract the disease. This is not related to the vaccine itself, which is made with dead or weakened viruses that are incapable of causing the flu. The immune system takes four to six weeks to strengthen after vaccination, during which time it is possible to become infected with the virus. However, this occurrence is not a result of vaccination, but of the time needed to develop immunity.

Per Giselle Ulbrich Alberti

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: answers questions flu vaccine



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