A full attitude towards life: mindfulness as a tool for well-being

A full attitude towards life: mindfulness as a tool for well-being
A full attitude towards life: mindfulness as a tool for well-being

Dr. Samantha Rheini Dr. Samantha Rhein https://bemestar.istoe.com.br/author/samantha-rhein/Nutritionist, post-doctoral student in Mindfulness at Centro Mente Aberta (UNIFESP) and guest researcher at the University of Chile (INTA). Teacher at the Ayurdiets School, Ayurvedic Nutrition, Santiago, Chile. Nutritional clinical practice with a focus on Integrative Health. CRN3: 9740

03/28/2024 – 9:07

Today we will talk again about Mindfulness, one subject that I love. MMany people believe that this is a topic for few people, exclusively for people who are highly calm, not very anxious, have a calm mind or have been meditating for a long time., or for a long time. However, it is important to deconstruct prejudices and that is why I tell you that Mindfulness it is a state of mind that everyone can develop, just exercise. In a simple way, we can describe Mindfulness as a tool that helps us develop the ability to live in present momentintentionally accepting the experience as it presents itself.

Mindfulness can also be understood as a set of techniques, including some meditative practices to develop this attention — but it is not limited to just meditating, it is also based on behavioral attitudes that invite you to have a new look at everything that is around you and with you, externally and internally . I particularly consider it as a tool for self-empowerment and liberation (this last line is completely my speech and how I feel about it, hahaha).

I’m not saying that it’s easy; on the contrary, it is quite challenging, but necessary so that we do not go through this life just “for pleasure”. One of the essential elements in Mindfulness and the acceptance of reality without judgment or reactivityconditions that make us remain in a constant state of “autopilot” or denial, without becoming truly aware of what we are experiencing.

O be present in the now, also known as mindfulnessis widely discussed in the field of food, being used as a strategy for the development of greater food awareness and self-knowledgewith the possible consequences of maintaining adequate weight or even losing weight. MThere are many studies that anchor this technique as a means of achieving pleasure, wisdom and connectivity, when practiced properly and daily, which can awaken in the practitioner the perception of benefits, including improving health. mental and physical health.

When we talk about Mindfulness There are many existing protocols and benefits are attributed to all of them, some examples are situations of anxiety, depression It is burnout syndrome. A very interesting research carried out by Demarzo, Oliveira and Calia (2018), based on mindfulness interventions, sought to develop a sense of professional purpose in volunteer individuals who carried out organizational activities in the city of Ribeirão Preto. They concluded that the practice of mindfulness, when carried out in synergy with metacognitive reflections, provided a greater perception of clarity, focus and authenticity in relation to this sense of purpose.

If you are thinking about starting to practice these attitudes, know that being more present in your daily life will bring countless benefits. Try starting with everyday attitudes:

  • Focus on your Professional activities at the actual moment of execution, without developing other activities, they will bring greater presence and productivity, often optimizing the time spent;
  • Remain mindful while practicing physical exercises It has been proven to bring better results due to the increase in the precision of the movements performed;
  • To study, to read or even watch a series or a movie, focusing on the now will certainly promote greater concentration and retention of the content, resulting in better learning or understanding of the message.

Concerning foodbeing present promotes several benefits:

  • Better organization of your diet, correctly directing a time and schedule of what will be prepared will make you make more conscious choices and improve the functionality of your body;
  • Organize your environment if food, being able to set up a well-structured table, in a quiet place and with the possibility of eating calmly, enjoying the flavor and nutritional content itself — it will make you better control the calories you eat, increasing your chances of weight loss or healthy weight maintenance. If this is not possible at every meal or even daily, choose a few moments to enjoy this experience;
  • Getting to know the flavor, textures and aromas of food, creating a positive relationship with them or even getting to know the foods you don’t like. Furthermore, you will chew better, better assimilating the nutrients present in this dish of food.

We know that everyone has their moment, and that for some people this topic may not make sense right now, however, if you are in tune with this movement and intend to at least go through this experience, I invite you to start some of the activities here suggested. Go little by little, within your time, without giving in to external pressure, because it is a personal and very deep process.

Take care of you…. see you next time!

Samy Rhein.

*The content of this article is informative and does not replace the assessment of Health Professionals.

**This text does not necessarily reflect the opinion of IstoÉ.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: full attitude life mindfulness tool wellbeing



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