Asymptomatic pneumonia: understand what Camila Pitanga’s disease is

Asymptomatic pneumonia: understand what Camila Pitanga’s disease is
Asymptomatic pneumonia: understand what Camila Pitanga’s disease is

Actress Camila Pitanga revealed through her social networks that she was hospitalized at the beginning of this month

March 28, 2024, 07:41 am

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247 – Actress Camila Pitanga revealed through her social networks that she was hospitalized at the beginning of this month after being diagnosed with asymptomatic pneumonia. Also called silent pneumonia, as it does not present the classic symptoms of the disease, especially fever and cough with secretion, the inflammation in this case is more subtle.

“A little while ago I started to feel extremely tired, I imagined it was a beginning of exhaustion due to a lot of work and personal issues that demanded a lot from me, being away from home, missing my family… My body couldn’t take it”, wrote the actress.


Asymptomatic pneumonia is a condition in which a person has an infection in the lungs but does not experience typical pneumonia symptoms, such as cough, fever, chest pain, or difficulty breathing. In some situations, asymptomatic pneumonia can be detected by imaging tests, such as x-rays or CT scans of the lungs, performed for reasons other than respiratory symptoms.

It’s important to note that although a person may not have symptoms, asymptomatic pneumonia can still pose a health risk, especially in people with compromised immune systems or other underlying medical conditions. These people may be more susceptible to developing serious complications associated with pneumonia, even in the absence of obvious symptoms. Therefore, medical monitoring is essential to properly manage the condition and avoid possible complications.


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Tags: Asymptomatic pneumonia understand Camila Pitangas disease



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