Lupita ends up in prison because of Jupiter


The chapter of “Family is everything” this Friday (29/03) causes confusion in the soap opera week when Lupita ends up trapped in the restaurant after following the plan Jupiter.

Summary Family is Everything: This Friday (03/29/2024), Lupita follows Jupiter’s plan at the restaurant and ends up arrested

In the next chapter, Venus is determined to uncover the secrets behind Pedro’s death and promises Tom that she will do everything she can to investigate the case. Meanwhile in “Family is everything“, Guto notices Chicão’s feelings for Andrômeda, creating an atmosphere of romance and tension.

Haroldinho and Kleberson are terrified when they encounter Andrômeda during her show, revealing an unexpected twist that promises to shake up the plot even more. Meanwhile, Venus is overcome by painful memories of the past as she recalls her father’s death, finding comfort in Tom’s arms.

While Murilo and Electra examine the case files against her, Jéssica tries to manipulate Luca, casting doubts and uncertainties in his mind. On the other hand, Lupita follows Jupiter’s plan at the restaurant, but things don’t go as planned and she ends up being arrested.

Lupita is taken to the police station

Lupita in Family is Everything. Photo: Reproduction/Globo

In the next chapters of “Family is everything”, Jupiter is unable to help Lupita. Electra thinks about talking to one of her trial witnesses. Catarina and Hans complain about Electra and Pluto’s behavior. Chantal is scared by Jessica’s reaction. Lupita is taken to the police station. Tom finds it strange when Ramón makes a mistake during a conversation. Murilo discovers Lupita’s whereabouts and tells Jupiter. Brenda forces Chantal to help Paulina. Jéssica suggests that Murilo declares himself to Electra. Luca and Electra meet. Venus falls into Brenda and Paulina’s trap to separate her from Tom.

Check it out on All Channel O daily summary of the chapters, scenes and news of “Family is everything“!

Note: Chapters may be subject to change Globe.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Lupita ends prison Jupiter



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