BBB 24: Davi and MC Bin Laden dispute double wall


Davi and MC Bin Laden compete for the 17th wall of the BBB 24. Voting is open on gshow until Thursday (4), when there will be elimination.

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How was the formation of the 17th wall

The training began this Tuesday (2), shortly after Lucas Henrique won the leader’s test and nominated Davi in ​​the spotlight. The dynamics continued in an open vote, in the room.

The Fadas group, which was in the majority, voted heavily for MC Bin Laden. The funk player joined Davi on the first double wall of the BBB 24.

Buda won the leader’s test, this Tuesday (2) (Photo: Disclosure, Globo

The leader’s test was luck and skill (Photo: Reproduction, Globo)

Paredão is double (Photo: Reproduction, Globo)

Pitel was the 16th eliminated from BBB 24, this Tuesday (Photo: Reproduction, Globo)

Tadeu Schmidt is the presenter of BBB 24 (Photo: Disclosure, Globo)

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Who do you want to eliminate in the 17th wall of BBB 24?

Read too

Find out everything about BBB 24 on a special page

BBB 24: Lucas Henrique wins luck test and is the new leader

BBB 24: Pitel is eliminated with 82% of the votes on the wall against Alane and Beatriz

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: BBB Davi Bin Laden dispute double wall



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