Lula government prepares package to lower energy costs in Brazil

Lula government prepares package to lower energy costs in Brazil
Lula government prepares package to lower energy costs in Brazil

Aneel’s projection was for an average increase of 5.6% in tariffs in 2024. With government intervention, adjustments should be close to 2%

April 2, 2024, 03:57 amUpdated April 2, 2024, 04:01 am

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247 – President Lula met this Monday (1) with the Minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira and the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad (PT), to discuss one of the main points of the text of the provisional measure (MP) that intends to lower the cost of energy across the country, which will soon be sent to Congress.

The measure seeks to anticipate the government’s receipt of R$25 billion from Eletrobras, owed by the company after privatization. The amount will make it possible to reduce energy tariffs in the short term.


The projection by the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel), released in January, was for an average increase of 5.6% in tariffs in 2024. With government intervention, the adjustments should be close to 2%.

Alexandre Silveira stated that the meeting was productive and said that there are several proposals “on the table” to reduce the cost of energy, highlighting the use of oil to reduce the impact of tariffs, and even the possibility of evaluating whether resources should be used or not. be within the spending ceiling.


The meeting also discussed deadlines for the entry of transmission lines compatible with the deadlines for new renewable energy plants (wind and solar). “There was no bidding for the transmission lines. It’s like this process has been completed now, you can open it. To see if there is an expression of interest”, commented minister Fernando Haddad, according to CNN Brasil.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Lula government prepares package energy costs Brazil



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