Letters and telegrams thrown to the fish of the Sergipe River

Letters and telegrams thrown to the fish of the Sergipe River
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By Adiberto de Souza *

A card-carrying Uden supporter, the retired Senate security guard, Cosme Fateira, never denied having “drowned” hundreds and hundreds of letters and telegrams in the Sergipe River, which borders Aracaju. It was in the 60s, when he was one of the few postmen in the capital of Sergipe. At that time, the number of correspondence that arrived in the city was not so large and Cosme knew the political profile of practically all the recipients. When he was a councilor, Fateira proposed granting an Aracajuan citizen title to the vulture, but that’s another story!

When the letter was addressed to a member or supporter of the PSD, the Udenist postman wasted no time in traveling to the recipient’s address to deliver it, preferring to throw it into the murky waters of the river. In fact, Cosme himself jokes that, given the volume of letters and telegrams thrown into the Sergipe estuary, it is quite possible that some fish have learned to read.

Fateira defends himself by saying that he was not the only one who ‘wrecked’ the correspondence: “The PSD group did the same thing with letters addressed to UDN staff”. A loudmouth, Cosme swears, with his feet together, that former governor Jackson Barreto was one of the Pssedista postmen who didn’t think twice about “drowning” the letters destined for Udenists. JB, of course, never confessed to having thrown letters and telegrams to the fish in the Sergipe River. Crendeuspai!

* He is editor of the website Destaquenoticias

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Letters telegrams thrown fish Sergipe River



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