Promotion of the destination and qualified infrastructure maintain the flow of tourists in the low season


Despite the low season period, which occurs between the months of March and June, when the number of visitors tends to decrease in a coastal region, investments by the City of Aracaju, through the Municipal Secretariat of Tourism (Setur), in promoting of the municipality as a tourist destination, as well as the recognized quality of Aracaju’s infrastructure, organization and natural beauty, have maintained a positive flow of tourists in the city.

As the municipal secretary of Tourism, Jorge Fraga, points out, the good number of tourists seen in the capital of Sergipe in this low season period is a reflection of the investments made by the current management in structuring works, promotion of the destination throughout the country and in the effectiveness of the constant actions aimed at the sector, according to the municipal administration’s Strategic Planning.

“I am happy with tourists at the airport, bus station, staying in our hotels, strolling and buying products in our central markets, visiting our most diverse attractions and living experiences in a city that improves every day for its residents and our visitors. We are already getting closer to our Forró Caju and I have no doubt that with all the publicity work we have done about the party and the festivities held by the state government we will have a large flow of tourists in the coming months, contributing to economic and cultural growth. of our city”, says the municipal manager.

Ana Cláudia and Fernanda said that Aracaju is a peaceful city

For those who can take advantage of the opportunity to visit the capital, as is the case of the couple Ana Cláudia, 32 years old, and Fernanda, 31, born in Salvador, the experience is always positive. Both were delighted with what they found in this remarkable little place in the Northeast.

“I just arrived and what little I saw I liked and I found the city very peaceful, very organized for tourism”, says Ana Cláudia. His companion agrees, also highlighting the hospitality of Aracajuans. “The city is clean and we noticed this when we walked along the coast. It is also organized and people are very receptive. We recommend Aracaju as a tourist destination,” she says.

For Jucinei Nunes, 39 years old, from Feira de Santana, who came accompanied by his wife Simone dos Santos, 42, the city’s reputation for quality of life and organization was confirmed on the first visit.

“I didn’t know Aracaju and I find the city very welcoming, cozy and the people happy. We’ll find out more over the weekend. For now it is top notch, especially in terms of cleanliness and tranquility, polite traffic. In Bahia, people highly recommend coming to Aracaju and say: ‘you’ll want to live in Aracaju’”, he jokes.

The Bahian couple, also from Salvador, Astrogilda Pereira da Silva, 67 years old, and Jaílson Gomes da Silva, 67, visit Aracaju frequently and say that, every time they set foot in the capital, they are surprised, whether by the culture, security or welcome they find.

“We love Aracaju. We visit whenever there is an opportunity, because we find the city calm, beautiful, peaceful, and the people hospitable. We especially liked the Atalaia waterfront, which is very attractive. People can walk along the coast both during the day and at night, and in other cities it is difficult to have the privilege of enjoying the coast with the family at night. Here you can do that and it is a great privilege. The city is also very organized and clean, as well as being very safe. I always recommend it to my family and friends. Even though we are in the low season, people continue to come, whether in summer or winter, because Aracaju manages to attract tourists spontaneously due to its beauty”, highlights Astrogilda.

The passion for Aracaju is also shared by José Carlos, 63 years old, another tourist who came from Feira de Santana, and who tries to be there whenever possible, in addition to recommending the good experience to people he knows.

“I’m biased when talking about Aracaju, because I come here a lot, I love the city, I like it a lot. I brought my wife and granddaughter for a swim in the sea. Everything catches my attention in Aracaju, be it the waterfront, the city center, in short, I always recommend it to my friends and family to come. What I like most is the coast and the treatment of people, as well as the cleanliness. Anyone visiting for the first time will certainly want to come back”, he guarantees.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Promotion destination qualified infrastructure maintain flow tourists season



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