More than 40 accidents are recorded on Bahian highways during Holy Week; 7 people died | Bahia

More than 40 accidents are recorded on Bahian highways during Holy Week; 7 people died | Bahia
More than 40 accidents are recorded on Bahian highways during Holy Week; 7 people died | Bahia

1 of 3 PRF action was carried out between April 28 and 31 — Photo: PRF
PRF action was carried out between April 28th and 31st — Photo: PRF

Forty-three accidents were recorded on Bahian highways during the Holy Week weekend. According to a report released by the Federal Highway Police (PRF) this Monday (1st), there were eight more incidents this year, when compared to the same period in 2023.

2 of 3 Truck was destroyed after an accident with a truck on BR-242, in Ibotirama — Photo: PRF-BA
Truck was destroyed after an accident with a truck on BR-242, in Ibotirama — Photo: PRF-BA

In another situation, one man died and another was injured after the car they were traveling in overturned on the BR-030, between Brumado and Tanhaçu, in the district of Sussuarana, in the southwest region. The victim was identified as Gilvanei, 36 years old.. [Veja foto abaixo]

3 of 3 Car overturned on BR-030 between Brumado and Tanhaçu — Photo: PRF-BA
Car overturned on BR-030 between Brumado and Tanhaçu — Photo: PRF-BA

According to the PRF, 861 notices were issued for overtaking in prohibited areas, which exceeds the data recorded in the previous year by more than 50%.

In addition, 3,365 tests were carried out using a breathalyzer, popularly known as a breathalyzer, which resulted in the arrest of 99 drivers who drove after consuming alcoholic beverages.

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