Job vacancy: Sine-PB offers more than 500 vacancies from April


Starting next Monday (1st), the Paraíba National Employment System (Sine-PB) provides more than 500 job vacancies in ten municipalities, in addition to the Capital. In João Pessoa, the organization will have 192 opportunities, including 25 for logistics assistants and 21 for production line assistants. There are also vacancies in the cities of Campina Grande, Santa Rita, Guarabira, thatch, Ducks, Cabedelo, São Bento, Cajazeiras, Mamanguape It is Bayeux. Check full list of vacancies.

Still in the Capital, there are vacancies for bricklayers (26), plumbers (10), forklift operators (10), restaurant cooks (nine), motor freight drivers (six), kitchen workers (five) and invoicing agents (one).

In the queen of Borborema, Campina Grande, there will be 99 job vacancies, starting on Monday. Among them: professional salesperson (21), sales consultant (20), carpenter (five), screen printer (one), clerk (one), caretaker (one) and civil firefighter (one).

In the city of Santa Rita, there will be 70 places available to the population. There will be vacancies for construction workers (12), logistics assistants (10), industrial machinery seamstress (10), hotel maids (two), among others.

In Brejo, in Guarabira, there are 62 job opportunities through Sine-PB next week, including 36 for bricklayers and 18 for construction workers.
The municipality of Sapé will have 30 employment options through the Sine state post. Some are for blacksmiths in construction (10), gas station attendants (five), commercial managers (one) and oral health technicians (one).

In Sertão, in Patos, the public will have 19 job openings in the first week of April through Sine-PB. They are: cashier (three), butcher (one), pest control (one), among others.

In the city of Cabedelo there are 10 job vacancies. Among them, there are jobs for restaurant manager (one), gardener (one) and crane operator (one).
At the São Bento state SINE office, there are jobs for beauticians (one), cleaning assistant (one) and five other professions.

Next week, the city of Cajazeiras offers five vacancies for retail salespeople. At the Sine de Mamanguape, there are three vacancies for a pracista salesman and one for a medical clinic attendant. Finally, at the state Sine of Bayeux, a vacancy for a pizza maker and another for a logistics instructor will be offered.

Sine-PB currently has 15 operating stations, and four more service units in 15 municipalities: João Pessoa, Campina Grande, Cajazeiras, Mamanguape, Monteiro, Pombal, Sapé, Bayeux, Conde, Guarabira, Itaporanga, São Bento, Santa Rita , Cabedelo and Patos.

The System carries out the work of recruiting personnel for companies established or that will be established in the state. These services can be requested by email: [email protected].

Sine-PB telephone numbers for contact:

João Pessoa – 3218-6617 and 3218-6600
Bayeux – 3253-2818
Cabedelo – 3250-3270
Cajazeiras -3531-7003
Campina Grande – 3310-9412
Guarabira – 3271-3252
Itaporanga – 3451-2819
Mamanguape – 3292-1931
Monteiro – 99863-3217
Ducks – 3421-1943
Santa Rita – 3229-3505
Sapé – 3283-6460
Pombal – 3431-3545
Count – 3298-2025
São Bento – 3444-2712

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Job vacancy SinePB offers vacancies April



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