Registration open for musical performances at the MS Music Fair

Registration open for musical performances at the MS Music Fair
Registration open for musical performances at the MS Music Fair
Registration for bidding is now open, in the form of a competition, to select artists for musical performances in the project ‘MS Music Fair’, which will take place in the municipality of Campo Grande. The objective is to value and disseminate musical production from Mato Grosso do Sul.

The competition will select instrumental musicians or solo singers, bands, groups or musical collectives, resident and with musical activities in Mato Grosso do Sul, to perform in the ‘MS Music Fair’ project, to be held on the 20th, 21st and 22nd June 2024. The project will select 12 musical attractions, in the following categories:

a) six musical case shows, lasting 20 minutes, by solo artists, groups or collectives, to be held on two stages set up outside the CCJOG. The technical production of these presentations will be the responsibility of the Feira da Música do MS team and the gross amount of R$3.5 thousand will be paid for each selected presentation.

b) six musical shows, up to 60 minutes long, by solo artists, groups or collectives, to be presented in the evening program of the Music Fair, which will take place in bars and nightclubs associated with the production of the MS Music Fair. The technical production of these presentations will be the responsibility of the artists and the spaces that will host these presentations will be responsible for the sound and lighting equipment for the shows. A gross amount of R$5,000 will be paid for each selected presentation.

For artists from the interior of the state, accommodation and food will be offered in the city of Campo Grande, as well as road tickets. These items must be requested in advance at the time of registration and only for the people listed in the technical form, not exceeding the limit of 10 people including artists, technical team and production.

Each proponent may only submit a single proposal, in only one category.

Registration must be completed by 5pm on May 16th and only via the electronic form at:

Check the dates in the schedule below:

  • Publication and dissemination of the Notice at DOEMS – 03/27/2024
  • Receipt of Registrations – 03/27 to 05/16/2024
  • Selection process – 16 to 20/05/2024
  • Result Publication – 05/21/2024
  • Appeal deadline – 21 to 27/05/2024
  • Appeal analysis deadline – 27 to 28/05/2024
  • Forecast for publication of the final selection result and director’s order
  • President calling for delivery of additional documentation
  • Deadline for submitting documents 05/29 to 06/04/2024

The complete notice is available on the Fundação de Cultura website:, link NOTICES.

Any additional information about this Regulation Notice can be obtained by calling (67) 3316-9316, from the Cultural Programs Development and Dissemination Management, from 8am to 11:30am and from 1:30pm to 5:30pm, or by email at cms.difusaocultural@gmail .with.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Registration open musical performances Music Fair



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