State parks will operate normally throughout the Easter holiday

State parks will operate normally throughout the Easter holiday
State parks will operate normally throughout the Easter holiday

For those who want to celebrate Easter amid nature, state parks will be available.

There are 25 UCS (Conservation Units) available to visitors, open throughout the long holiday, between Friday (29) and Sunday (31), with normal opening hours, varying according to the environmental complex.

The agenda can be consulted on the IAT (Water and Land Institute) website, the body responsible for the administration of state parks.

There are options for different tastes. Places with space for camping, such as Pico do Marumbi State Park, between the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba and the State Coast; with waterfalls, such as Salto São Francisco, between Guarapuava, Prudentópolis and Turvo, in the Central region of Paraná; or prepared to practice more extreme sports, such as Guartelá, in Tibagi, or Vale do Codó, in Jaguariaíva, in Campos Gerais.

The Government of Paraná currently manages 72 Conservation Units cataloged by the IAT, of which 28 can receive visitors. Three spaces, however, are temporarily closed for renovations and adjustments: Ilha das Cobras (Paranaguá), Pau Oco State Park (Morretes) and Godoy State Park (Londrina).

This green massif comprises 26,250.42 km² of areas protected by legislation. They are formed by ecosystems free from sustainable use of part of their natural resources, such as parks open to public visitation that cannot suffer human interference.

Protection areas that are divided into State UCs for Sustainable Use (10,470.74 km²); Full Protection State UCs (756.44 km²); Special Areas of Regulated Use (152.25 km²) and Special Areas of Tourist Interest (670.35 km²).

The scenario is completed with the Private Natural Heritage Reserves (RPPNs), whose extension covers 553.83 km²; indigenous lands, with 846.87 km²; Federal Units, of 8,840.39 km², and Municipal Units (3,959.55 km²).

The article is in Portuguese


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