Former Bope PM, arrested for involvement with the militia, is investigated for training drug dealers for invasions | Rio de Janeiro

Former Bope PM, arrested for involvement with the militia, is investigated for training drug dealers for invasions | Rio de Janeiro
Former Bope PM, arrested for involvement with the militia, is investigated for training drug dealers for invasions | Rio de Janeiro

1 of 3 Ronny Pessanha when he was still at Bope — Photo: Reproduction
Ronny Pessanha when he was still at Bope — Photo: Reproduction

Released in 2022, the former skull was arrested again this Tuesday (26) allegedly for carrying out a false check on Estrada do Itanhangá, during an approach by the 31st BPM (Recreio).

Previously identified as a militia member, today the former PM is suspected of changing sides and joining forces with drug traffickers who invaded Muzema. According to the military police officer responsible for the arrest, Pessanha began providing training to CV traffickers, with the aim of assisting the faction in invading the territories of the militia and other rival factions.

In the 16th DP (Barra), the agent told the police he had information that the former BOPE was no longer linked to the militia and that he was training drug dealers.

In 2021, Caveira or Neguiho do Bope, as he is known, was denounced by the Public Ministry of Rio (MPRJ) for charging fees to builders in the favela. He was arrested in December 2020 and was detained for more than 1 year.

2 of 3 Ronny Pessanha and Bope police officers during an operation — Photo: Reproduction
Ronny Pessanha and Bope police officers during an operation — Photo: Reproduction

This time, despite having been arrested in the act for illegal possession of a firearm, the former skull paid R$8,000 in bail and was released. At the police station, he refused to give a statement. He will respond freely.

The weapon was found inside his car, a Mercedes Benz, valued at approximately R$220,000. The PMs also found ammunition and a fake military police identity.

In addition to the 16th DP (Barra), the former PM is also investigated by the Police Station for the Repression of Organized Criminal Actions and Special Inquiries (Draco-EI) and the Police Station to Combat Criminal Organizations and Money Laundering (DCOC-LD) by others crimes.

According to the MPRJ, Pessanha was an ally of Taillon de Alcântara Pereira Barbosa, son of Dalmir Pereira Barbosa, one of the leaders of the Rio das Pedras militia.

Prosecutors maintain that Ronny used his friendship with the militiaman to organize events, such as shows and parties in the favela.

Extortion and death threats

The MPRJ also said that a builder stated that, in 2015, he was approached by Pessanha at the site where a building was being constructed, in Rio das Pedras.

3 of 3 Ronny Pessanha is investigated in several police stations for involvement with the militia — Photo: Reproduction
Ronny Pessanha is being investigated in several police stations for involvement with the militia — Photo: Reproduction

The builder reported being a victim of extortion. According to him, the police officer got out of a car pointing a rifle at him and demanded that he pay R$50,000 to release the work.

The man also said that he was threatened and that, if payment was not made, he and his family would be killed. The extortion was proven by transfers made to the account of the then PM.

Ronny’s name also appeared in a conversation found on a militia member’s cell phone. The man, at the time, was asking an accomplice whether Ronny had asked for permission from the militia chief to do a show in Rio das Pedras, which was being publicized on social media.

“Maybe he’s doing something because he’s a friend of Taillon”, replied one of the militiamen.

Pessanha was assigned to the 9th BPM (Rocha Miranda), the Special Operations Battalion (Bope) and also the 41st BPM (Irajá), until he was expelled from the corporation in September 2023. According to the MPRJ, he commanded the security of milianos of the West Zone.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Bope arrested involvement militia investigated training drug dealers invasions Rio Janeiro



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