Weather forecast: Holy Week weekend will have rain in most of Bahia; see your region | Bahia

Weather forecast: Holy Week weekend will have rain in most of Bahia; see your region | Bahia
Weather forecast: Holy Week weekend will have rain in most of Bahia; see your region | Bahia

1 of 5 The weekend will be cloudy with rain showers in Salvador — Photo: Reproduction/TV Bahia
The weekend will be cloudy with rain showers in Salvador — Photo: Reproduction/TV Bahia

The Holy Week long holiday, which starts on Friday (29th), also called Good Friday, will be rainy and unstable weather in most of Bahia until Sunday (31st). In the north and west regions, for example, isolated thunderstorms are forecast. Check out:

2 of 5 It is cloudy and with the possibility of rain in the summer of Salvador — Photo: g1 Bahia
It’s cloudy and with the possibility of rain in Salvador’s summer — Photo: g1 Bahia

In the capital of Bahia, temperatures will be between 24ºC and 33ºC. The National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet) predicts that the weather will be cloudy with the possibility of isolated rain over the three days. Maximum humidity will reach 100% and winds will remain weak to moderate.

In cities in the metropolitan region, the forecast will be similar. In Vera Cruz, on the Island of Itaparica, and Mata de São João, on the Green Line, temperatures will vary from 25º C to 32ºC, also with light winds and a chance of isolated rain.

3 of 5 Boipeba, in Cairu — Photo: Lílian Marques/ G1
Boipeba, in Cairu — Photo: Lílian Marques/ G1

In the Chapada region, despite the maximum humidity reaching 95%, there is less chance of storms during this long holiday. In Lençóis, for example, Saturday and Sunday will be cloudy, but there are no forecasts of rain showers. Temperatures are low, between 20ºC and 34ºC.

In Vale do Capão, in Palmeiras, there is no rain forecast. Temperatures will vary between 18ºC and 32ºC.

In Cairu, where major tourist destinations in the lower south are located, such as Morro de São Paulo and Boipeba, the forecast is for clouds with isolated rain, amid temperatures of 24ºC to 32ºC. Winds will also be light.

4 of 5 Vitória da Conquista — Photo: Disclosure / AscomPMVC
Vitória da Conquista — Photo: Disclosure / AscomPMVC

From the south to the extreme south of Bahia, cities will also be hit by a lot of rain. Porto Seguro, one of the tourist destinations where this forecast is expected to be confirmed, will have temperatures between 24ºC and 35ºC. On Monday (1st), there is a possibility of thunderstorms in the municipality.

In Itabuna, temperatures are lower, from 24ºC to 32ºC, and with many clouds.

In the southwest region, Vitória da Conquista will have even lower minimums, reaching 19ºC, while maximums rise to 35ºC.

On Saturday, the rain should become milder and clouds will predominate. In Jequié, the variation will be from 21ºC to 35ºC, also with many clouds and isolated rain on Friday and Sunday.

5 of 5 Juazeiro — Photo: Antônio Amorim/TV São Francisco
Juazeiro — Photo: Antônio Amorim/TV São Francisco

Inmet also has a forecast of many clouds, with rain showers and isolated thunderstorms in the northern region of Bahia. The city of Paulo Afonso has temperatures between 22ºC and 36ºC and moderate winds, while in Juazeiro the variation will be from 20ºC to 37ºC and many isolated rain showers on Friday and Sunday.

In Luís Eduardo Magalhães, in the west of the state, the entire weekend will be with isolated rain showers and thunderstorms and the maximum humidity reaching 95%, while the maximum humidity is 35ºC and the minimum humidity is 22ºC. Barreiras, in the same region, has temperatures of 22ºC to 38ºC.

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