Popular restaurants in Salvador offer free Bahian food this Thursday | Bahia

Popular restaurants in Salvador offer free Bahian food this Thursday | Bahia
Popular restaurants in Salvador offer free Bahian food this Thursday | Bahia

1 of 1 Popular Restaurants in Salvador offer free Bahian food this Thursday — Photo: Betto Jr./Secom PMS
Popular restaurants in Salvador offer free Bahian food this Thursday — Photo: Betto Jr./Secom PMS

The three Popular Restaurants in Salvador, located in São Tomé de Paripe, Pau da Lima and Águas Claras, will offer free Bahian food to beneficiaries this Thursday (28), from 11am to 1pm; [confira o endereço no fim da reportagem].

In total, 1,550 dishes consisting of caruru, vatapá and two protein options – fish and chicken xinxim, accompanied by juice, will be served to people in vulnerable situations.

The action is promoted by the Municipal Secretariat for Social Promotion, Combating Poverty, Sports and Leisure (Always). The portfolio holder, Júnior Magalhães, highlighted that ensuring traditional food in a period of preparation for Easter for vulnerable people means welcoming.

Check out the address of Popular Restaurants in Salvador:

  • Clear water: Slaughterhouse Road;
  • Pau da Lima: Avenida Aliomar Baleeiro, close to gas station P5;
  • São Tomé de Paripe: Santa Filomena Street.

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