PGE-AM carries out joint effort on agreements relating to Civil Police promotions


The State Attorney General’s Office (PGE-AM), through the 1st Chamber for the Prevention and Administrative Resolution of Conflicts (CPRAC), holds, between the 1st and 5th of April, from 9am to 12pm, on the 4th floor of the Euza Civil Forum Maria Naice de Vasconcelos, Aleixo, joint effort on agreements relating to Civil Police promotions. The target audience is researchers, clerks and experts. This is the same proposal offered and accepted by the delegates.

In this joint effort, the proposal is to carry out the promotion to the Class indicated in BIC no. 02-E/2022-GDG/PC or in BIC 03-E/2022-GDG/PC, with functional effects starting from January 1, 2024 and financial effects starting from the first day of the month following the approval of the agreement. Agreements signed in the joint effort will be implemented in full from May 1, 2024.

The same deal is offered to both those who already have a lawsuit and those who do not. The civil servant who is interested in the agreement, but already has a judicial process, must contact his appointed lawyer and request that he, as he sees fit, appear on the same days and times as the joint effort for negotiations.

Documents required for the joint effort:

  1. Copy of the Bulletin in which the server appears, with its name highlighted;
  2. Identification document with name, registration number and CPF (preferably functional identity);
  3. Last paycheck;
  4. Proof of residence in your own name or, if in the name of a third party, accompanied by a declaration of residence (model provided to PCAM);
  5. Lawyers must have a power of attorney with powers to compromise, renounce and grant discharge. In the case of a civil servant represented by a person without registration with the OAB, present, in addition to the documents listed: a duly completed power of attorney with a notarized signature (model provided to PCAM);
  6. Telephone contact of the attorney and the person represented;
  7. Identity, CPF and proof of residence of the attorney.

Note: If the server wishes to participate in the joint effort, it is very important to bring all documents, originals and copies, as there is no printer or copier available.

Permanent negotiation channel

PGE-AM has a specific sector for negotiations with public servants, the 1st CPRAC. The most varied subjects can be subject to negotiation and there are already open tables for various subjects, such as Course Bonus, backdating of escalation and base date, permanence allowance, compensation for vacations and special leave not taken when the server was active.

The 1st CPRAC has the following communication channels: electronic scheduling:; Whatsapp: (92) 3649-3184; Telegram: (92) 99171-3873; email: [email protected]; SIGED: “CPRAC/PGEAM” destination.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: PGEAM carries joint effort agreements relating Civil Police promotions



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