Criminals break roofs and invade three municipal schools to steal gas cylinders | Tocantins

Criminals break roofs and invade three municipal schools to steal gas cylinders | Tocantins
Criminals break roofs and invade three municipal schools to steal gas cylinders | Tocantins

1 of 3 Criminals entered through school kitchens — Photo: Disclosure/Secom Gurupi
Criminals entered through school kitchens — Photo: Disclosure/Secom Gurupi

In a period of four days, three municipal schools in Gurupi, in the south of the state, were invaded and robbed. The suspects broke the ceiling and ceiling to take objects from the kitchens, such as gas cylinders, in addition to destroying items from the schools.

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According to the Municipal Department of Education of Gurupi (Semeg), the units targeted by the thefts were the Agripino de Sousa Galvão, Profª Ilsa Borges Vieira and Joel Ferreira Soares schools.

The Agripino de Sousa Galvão Municipal School, in the Bela Vista sector, was invaded by criminals in the early hours of Saturday (23). The suspects removed the tiles from the roof and even broke the ceiling to gain entry.

2 out of 3 schools suffered losses, according to Semeg — Photo: Disclosure/Secom Gurupi
Schools suffered losses, according to Semeg — Photo: Disclosure/Secom Gurupi

The following day, on Sunday (24), it was the turn of Escola Municipal Profª Ilsa Borges Vieira, in the Nova Fronteira sector, to be robbed. In the unit, the suspects would have invaded at least twice.

As for the Joel Ferreira Soares Municipal School, which is also located in the Nova Fronteira neighborhood, the thefts took place in the early hours of this Tuesday (26).

In all three cases, according to the city hall, the criminals took the gas cylinders. They also caused damage to roofs and ceilings, used as a means of invasion. School doors were also damaged to allow criminals to enter.

All cases were registered in a police report by Semeg. Images from school monitoring circuits were also made available to the police, to help capture the invaders.

O g1 asked the Civil Police for information on the investigation of the invasions and is awaiting positioning.

3 of 3 One of the schools invaded in the last four days — Photo: Disclosure/Secom Gurupi
One of the schools invaded in the last four days — Photo: Disclosure/Secom Gurupi

Another case

In addition to the three stolen units, another municipal school was also invaded this year. According to Semeg, in February criminals entered the Lenival Correia Ferreira Municipal School, in the Alto da Boa Vista sector. In this crime, according to management, there was only damage to fire extinguishers.



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