100-year-old time capsule discovered during school demolition

Reproduction / The Mirror

‘Time capsule’ was found while school was being demolished

An almost 100-year-old time capsule has been found southwest of Glasgow in the UK while a school was being demolished. During the work, contractors came across a glass box full of objects, such as coins, newspapers, documents and some business cards from contractors who had worked on the construction of the building in 1925. Some of the records, however, were damaged due to water infiltrations.

The capsule was transferred to the Ayrshire Archives center in nearby Ayr for opening and subsequent inspection.

“The time capsule is a fantastic discovery and a lasting legacy of the former Carrick Academy,” South Ayrshire Council education portfolio holder Stephen Ferry told Ayrshire Live
. “We will ensure the items are kept on permanent display at the new Maybole Campus.”


Newspapers from 1925 were found among the artifacts inside the box.

Although some items were damaged, others were still readable. Among the objects was the front page of an edition of The Ayrshire Post newspaper, dated June 19, 1925. In addition, there was also an envelope, which the team managed to clean, which said: “Whoever finds it can have it all. Current coins of the Kingdom. William Reid Master of Works, Ayrshire Education Authority.”

Objects must be exposed

All of the items that were in the capsule went through archive center work so that they could be cleaned with smoke sponges and inspected. The collection must be stored in the archive depository, where temperature and humidity are monitored to ensure the preservation of records.

Items were handled with care so they were cleaned and inspected

Items were handled with care so they were cleaned and inspected

The contents of the box were considered too fragile to be permanently displayed, but plans are underway for images and contents of the capsule to be displayed within the new Maybole Community Campus so that students, staff and visitors can gain access.

“It was a brilliant surprise when our contractors informed us that they had found a time capsule during the demolition of the Carrick Academy building. I am pleased that we were able to recover all of the items from the glass capsule and that our Archives team did a wonderful job cleaning and preserving them. Thanks to their specialist skills, the contents of the capsule will remain available for many more years to come,” said South Ayrshire Council’s Buildings, Housing and Environment portfolio holder, Martin Kilbride.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: #100yearold time capsule discovered school demolition



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