Game of Thrones actor dies at age 74

Game of Thrones actor dies at age 74
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Last Monday (6), the actor Ian Gelderknown for his role as Kevan Lannister in the series game of Thrones, died as a result of complications from cancer in the bile ducts. Her death was notified by her husband, fellow actor Ben Daniels, via social media.

“It is with a heavy heart, broken into a thousand pieces and with great sadness that I announce the death of my dear husband and life partner, Ian Gelder. He was diagnosed with bile duct cancer in December,” Daniels commented in the publication.

The actor revealed that he took time away from his career to take care of Gelder. “I stopped working to be his carer, but none of us had any idea it would happen so quickly.” He concluded with loving messages: “[…] He was memorable and will be greatly missed. Rest in peace my sweet Chianni,” she concluded.

Among the various roles that Gelder has played in his career, it is undeniable that Kevan Lannister is among the most prominent, considering the success of game of Thrones. The character is the younger brother of Tywin Lannister and is known for his loyalty and reliability.

Kevan chose to serve his brother out of pure will and dedication, simply because he recognized his brother’s superiority from a young age. However, after Tywin’s death, he proved himself to be a competent and capable leader through his strategic thinking and diplomatic skills.

Beyond Game of Thrones: Ian Gelder’s other roles

The wise Kevan Lannister of game of Thrones is far from being the only role in the career of Ian Gelder, who took his first steps into the world of entertainment in the early 1970s. In addition to TV and cinema, he also had a long career in theater.

Gelder’s other prominent roles include his appearance on the series Torchwooda spin-off of Doctor Whoas Mr. Dekker, and as the librarian Charles in the BBC series adapting Phillip Pullman’s trilogy of books His Dark Materials.

The actor also appeared in the seventh episode of the 12th season of Doctor Who like Zellin. Much of Gelder’s career was dedicated to television productions, and this even includes films, the vast majority of which were made directly for TV.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Game Thrones actor dies age




