Elderly woman tries to scare off wasps and almost sets house on fire in the North of SC

Elderly woman tries to scare off wasps and almost sets house on fire in the North of SC
Elderly woman tries to scare off wasps and almost sets house on fire in the North of SC

Incident happened on Tuesday morning

On the morning of this Tuesday, the 26th, a fire broke out in a residence in the Bela Vista neighborhood, in Rio Negrinho, in the north of Santa Catarina. According to the Fire Department, a small fire was found on the ceiling of the house’s kitchen.

Upon accessing the ceiling, it was discovered that the fire was coming from the lid of the water tank, which was put out with water from the tank itself. When questioned, the 69-year-old resident stated that she eliminated wasps outside the house, with the help of a stick with a fire on the end.

Without realizing it, the fire spread to a piece of pipe and spread to the lid of the water tank, whose melted material dripped onto the PVC lining. The incident was controlled, resulting in minor material damage.

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Tags: Elderly woman scare wasps sets house fire North



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