Mental health: specialist helps to overcome stress at work


Psychological support. Photo: FreePik

Stress in the workplace is a worrying reality that affects a significant portion of the Brazilian population. A survey showed that around 67% of Brazilians face some level of work-related stress. The number is part of the People at Work 2023: A Global Workforce View report, from the ADP Research Institute. This statistic not only reflects a public health issue, but also highlights the urgency of effectively addressing and combating this problem.

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Stress at work can manifest itself in different ways, from anxiety and irritability to more serious physical and mental health problems, such as depression and burnout syndrome, explains psychoanalyst Debora Guerra. “The main signs of stress at work include a constant feeling of tiredness, difficulty concentrating, irritability, mood changes, sleep problems, and even physical pain with no apparent cause,” she explains.

According to data from the survey, which interviewed 32,612 workers in 17 countries around the world and 5,751 in Latin America (Argentina, Brazil and Chile), the number of workers who feel supported by managers in relation to mental health fell from 70 % in 2022 to 64% this year.

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The psychoanalyst warns that occasional stress at work is normal and can even be motivating, helping to overcome specific challenges. Chronic stress is persistent, resulting from an excessive workload or constant conflicts, profoundly affecting health and well-being. Unlike occasional, chronic requires immediate action to avoid long-term health problems.

“A common level of stress at work may cause temporary discomfort, but does not significantly interfere with the ability to perform tasks or general well-being. When stress becomes chronic, negatively affecting physical and mental health, productivity and quality of life, it is time to seek professional intervention. Signs such as exhaustion, persistent anxiety, depression, or physical problems related to stress are indications that specialized help may be needed to restore balance”, highlights Debora.

The intervention of mental health specialists becomes crucial in these contexts. These professionals play a fundamental role in promoting the emotional well-being of workers, offering support and strategies to deal with stress in the workplace.

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An effective approach to maintaining mental health involves a combination of preventive and intervention measures. Debora recommends some specific strategies that can help deal with pressure in the workplace. “I recommend creating an organized routine, with to-do lists to prioritize activities and set realistic goals. Practicing assertiveness, expressing your needs and limits clearly, helps reduce misunderstandings and unnecessary pressure. Investing in positive relationships at work is also crucial; Good social support can offer enormous relief under pressure. Finally, don’t forget to take care of your physical health, as it directly influences your mental resilience,” she advises.

Another point that is essential, according to the psychoanalyst, is to establish healthy boundaries between work and personal life. This way you can disconnect from professional responsibilities, recharge your energy and dedicate time to activities and the people you love, improving your mental and physical health. “Clear boundaries, such as respecting a set time to start and finish work, avoiding taking tasks home or working after hours, help prevent burnout and ensure you have the time you need to care for yourself, cultivate personal relationships, and pursue interests outside of work. Additionally, practicing digital disconnection, avoiding constantly checking work emails or messages during free time, is also an important boundary to maintain,” she concludes.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Mental health specialist helps overcome stress work



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