Woman eats ground beef and almost dies with a nail in her throat

Woman eats ground beef and almost dies with a nail in her throat
Woman eats ground beef and almost dies with a nail in her throat

A 68-year-old woman went to the hospital when she felt severe pain in her throat. After examination, doctors discovered a nail piercing her carotid artery. The case was registered in February in Peru.

Célia Tello was vomiting blood and went to the Guillermo Almenara Yrigoyen National Hospital of Social Health Security (EsSalud), the professionals performed an x-ray and found the nail in the patient’s throat.

According to reports, the woman ingested the nail while eating ground meat. The case was treated urgently as the nail was piercing the carotid artery, one of the main arteries that carry blood to the brain, which could cause a potentially fatal blood clot that, if left untreated, could reach the brain.

“We had to perform a careful dissection due to the risk of dislodging the clot,” said Dr. Diego Cuipal, the surgeon responsible for the case.

Weeks after surgery, the woman was released and fully recovered without any sequelae.

“I felt bad and came to the hospital because I thought I had a bone in my throat. It never crossed my mind that I had that nail”, said Célia.

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March 28, 2024, at 11:55 am. Updated at 11:58 am.

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