In BBB Chat, Pitel is shocked to discover that Alane took his comb | bbb chat

In BBB Chat, Pitel is shocked to discover that Alane took his comb | bbb chat
In BBB Chat, Pitel is shocked to discover that Alane took his comb | bbb chat

Pitel is shocked to discover that Alane took his comb

At the Chat BBB in the early hours of this Wednesday (3), Thaís Fersoza It is Ed Gama welcome Pitel, 16th eliminated from BBB 24. After discovering hot gossip from outside the house that was told by Fernanda and being moved by scenes she experienced with Rodriguinho in confinement, the ex-sister now sees some of the moments starring her and that went viral on social media.

In the painting, Pitel discovers that the red satin cap she wore during confinement became a rage during Carnival, and is surprised to discover that she and Fernanda became a costume during the festivities. The presenters also show the woman from Alagoas the whereabouts of her pink comb, which disappeared in the house.

Before calling the VT to show where the comb ended up, Ed Gama tells the social worker: “We had to call the journalism sector here at Rede Globo to find out where the comb was.”

“My comb, I didn’t find the comb”, reacts Pitel.

“Did you leave without the comb?” asks Thaís. Pitel nods and says he got a comb from the production team. The presenters then show how the Alagoan woman’s accessory ended up and, in the video, she realizes that she is with Alane.

“I don’t believe in such audacity, no! It’s audacious, right? When the dog doesn’t come, he sends the secretary. I’m looking for the comb all the time, and look who my comb was with. Whose head was it? my comb! How did she get my comb, folks?”, reacts the woman from Alagoas, making Thaís and Ed Gama laugh.

1 of 1 Pitel is shocked to discover that Alane took his comb — Photo: gshow
Pitel is shocked to discover that Alane took his comb — Photo: gshow

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: BBB Chat Pitel shocked discover Alane comb bbb chat



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