After resurrecting Jacutinga, Turkish Rachid definitely saves Dona Patroa’s life in Renascer


After becoming the new ‘Jacutinga’, Rachid fulfills Dona Patroa’s impossible dream in Renascer. José Inocêncio’s old friend carries countless secrets in his baggage.

Soon he will tell the farmer that he married Marianinha as soon as he left the region. He found her alone, evicted by her family and pregnant after allegedly suffering abuse from her own father.

Marianinha is the sister of Maria Santa (Duda Santos) and that is why Rachid returned. His wife died and left a letter addressed to her sister. What the Lebanese doesn’t know is that Santinha also passed away and that she was, in fact, Inocêncio’s first wife.

Rachid Almir Sater and Maria Santa Duda Santos in Renascer

After delivering Marianinha’s letter, Rachid decides to restart his life in the region and buys the brothel that belonged to Jacutinga (Juliana Paes). Furthermore, he makes a proposal to purchase the sale of Norberto (Matheus Nachtergale).

Installed in the city, he ends up renting the old brothel to Sandra (Giullia Buscacio) and getting to know the girl’s mother, Iolanda (Camila Morgado), who will soon be left by Egídio (Vladimir Brichta). At the end of Renascer, Dona Patroa gives herself to Rachid.

Dona Patroa (Camila Morgado) and Sandra (Giullia Buscacio) in Renascer
Mistress Camila Morgado and Sandra Giullia Buscacio in Renascer

It is worth mentioning that Egídio will have an affair with Eliana (Sophie Charlotte) and will even place her as heir to his lands. The villain dies from a shot fired by Mariana (Theresa Fonseca).



NEXT everything about the chapter of Wednesday, May 1st

